What Military Leader Are You? - Printable Version

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What Military Leader Are You? - Avatar - 12-27-2006

Enjoy! ... 5317645422

My score:


You scored 13 ruthlessness, 7 tactics, and 9 charisma!

Saladin (1137 or 1138–1193; Kurdish: Selahaddin Eyyübi; Arabic: Salah ad-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub; Salah ad-Din is an honorific that means The Righteousness of the Faith in Arabic) was a 12th century Kurdish Muslim military general who founded the Ayyubid dynasty of Egypt and Syria. He was also renowned in both the Christian and Muslim worlds for his leadership and military prowess tempered by his chivalry and merciful nature during the Crusades.

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Titus Martius - 12-27-2006

My Score:


Quote:You scored 4 ruthlessness, 12 tactics, and 15 charisma!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Marcus Mummius - 12-27-2006

Alexander the Great

You scored 11 ruthlessness, 13 tactics, and 9 charisma!

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - tlclark - 12-27-2006

I got Joan of Arc!

That rocks. That's about who I would like to be.

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Narukami - 12-27-2006

Test Results:

Alexander the Great
You scored 3 ruthlessness, 11 tactics, and 7 charisma!

Confusedhock: :? shock:

I think there is something wrong with this test matrix. Me as Alexander?
Somehow I doubt it...


Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Dan Diffendale - 12-27-2006

Joan of Arc
You scored 12 ruthlessness, 8 tactics, and 10 charisma!

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Ioannis - 12-27-2006

Julius Caeser
You scored 4 ruthlessness, 15 tactics, and 10 charisma!

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Magnus - 12-27-2006

Julius Caesar

You scored higher than 99% on ruthlessness
You scored higher than 99% on tactics
You scored higher than 99% on charisma

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - FAVENTIANVS - 12-28-2006

Alexander the Great
You scored 8 ruthlessness, 12 tactics, and 6 charisma!

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Arthes - 12-28-2006

Big Grin D
[i]Alexander the Great
You scored 4 ruthlessness, 14 tactics, and 8 charisma!
Alexander the Great (in Greek Μέγας Αλέξανδρος, transliterated Megas Alexandros; (Birthplace: Pella, Macedonia, Greece - July 20 or 26, 356 BC–, June 10, 323 BC), King of Macedon 336–323 BC, also Alexandros Philippou Makedonon, was arguably the most successful military commander of ancient history, conquering most of the known world before his death. Born in 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia. Alexander is also known in Zoroastrian Middle Persian works such as the Arda Wiraz as "the accursed Alexander" due to his destruction of the Persian Empire and its capital Persepolis. He is also known in Eastern traditions as Dhul-Qarnayn (the two-horned one), apparently due to an image on coins minted during his rule that seemingly depicted him with the two ram's horns of the Egyptian god Ammon. In Iran, north-west India and modern-day Pakistan, he is known as Sikandar-e-Azam (Alexander the Great) and many male children are named Sikandar after him. Following the unification of the multiple city-states of ancient Greece under the rule of his father, Philip II of Macedon, (a labor Alexander had to repeat - twice - because the southern Greeks rebelled after Philip's death), Alexander conquered the Persian Empire, including Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia, and extended the boundaries of his own empire as far as the Punjab. Alexander integrated non-Greeks into his army and administration, leading some scholars to credit him with a “policy of fusion.â€

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - GALLA PLACIDIA - 12-28-2006

George Washington

My scored 18 ruthlessness, 3 tactics, and 11 charisma!

George Washington (February 22, 1732–December 14, 1799) was an American planter, political figure, the highest ranking military leader in U.S. history and first President of the United States. Born of English and Scottish descent into a moderately wealthy family in the Province of Virginia, Washington worked as a surveyor before inheriting his half-brother's plantation, Mount Vernon. Washington first gained prominence as an officer during the French and Indian War, a war which he inadvertently helped to start. Afterwards, he resigned his post to marry Martha Dandridge Custis, a wealthy widow with two children. He was elected to the House of Burgesses and became a revolutionary leader at the outset of the American Revolution, attending both the first and second Continental Congresses. Washington was appointed Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War (1775–83), leading the Americans to complete victory over the British, the only General ever to achieve this feat. After the war he served as president of the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Washington, a hugely popular and generally nonpartisan figure, was elected as the first President of the United States (1789–97) after the U.S. Constitution was adopted. The two-term Washington Administration was marked by the establishment of key American institutions that continue to operate. After his second term was up, Washington retired to Mount Vernon for the remainder of his life, again voluntarily relinquishing power even as some wanted him to retain that power for life. Because of his central role in the founding of the United States and enduring legacy, Washington is sometimes called the "Father of his Country."

Re: What Military Leader Are You? - aitor iriarte - 12-28-2006

OK, let's go. Little to do at the office during this period... :oops:

And the winner is...

Alexander the Great
You scored 7 ruthlessness, 13 tactics, and 8 charisma!

Oh, another one! :roll:


Re: What Military Leader Are You? - Publius Militiares - 12-28-2006

Julius Caeser
You scored 6 ruthlessness, 11 tactics, and 10 charisma!
Hmmm, quite normal comparing to the rest.

The Gender May Not Be Correct, But... - Primitivus - 12-29-2006

[size=200:1jvpp1l9]Joan of Arc[/size]
2 ruthlessness
9 tactics
12 charisma[/size]

George Washington? - Primitivus - 12-29-2006

Quote:George Washington
My scored 18 ruthlessness, 3 tactics, and 11 charisma!
Hmmm... I never thought of the "Father of My Country" as being all that ruthless...