A modern crupellarius? - Printable Version

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A modern crupellarius? - mcbishop - 01-15-2007

With a CV that includes producing bear-proof armour, you could have guessed this chap was going to go on to produce all-over body protection for troops. My first question (how does he take a leak?) is not tackled by the article, so it's probably a case of answers on a postcard, please. Baddies the world over are probably reaching for their dolabrae at this very moment...

Warning: the link is quite slow as it has been slashdotted.

Mike Bishop

Re: A modern crupellarius? - Tarbicus - 01-15-2007


Just run into heavy undergrowth, and you'd soon leave one of those crupellarii behind.

Re: A modern crupellarius? - Matt Lukes - 01-15-2007

This guy's great- I've seen video of his various tests with the Ursa anti-bear suit and they're hysterical. This thing is a natural progression- loony, yes, but not surprising in the least. I'd be curious about its efficacy though- looks hot, ceramic protects from bullets by breaking, so the suit would have to have LOTS of replacable panels, and the idea that it could be mass-produced for $2000 each is pretty unlikely given the cost of military equipment these days- I think the SAPI plates in modern body armor are at least that much for just a pair. It would be pretty sweet to see this kind of thing work though- suddenly all those morons all over the world with more AK47s than brain cells rendered ineffective in an instant- although they'd just switch to RPGs, which are hardly in short supply...

Re: A modern crupellarius? - Medusa Gladiatrix - 01-16-2007

Reminds me of the musical Starlight Express :lol:

Re: A modern crupellarius? - Gaius Julius Caesar - 01-17-2007

Looks cool! 8)