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MEDICA - brennivs - tony drake - 05-19-2007

Is they any Roman Doctors or Greek doctors out there,any stories or any unusual kit .I often don a blooded apron and talk of the miracle of ancient medicne and get excellent fead back " Ive just had that operation" Ill post a small part of a Medical kit I made for one of members of the group Iam in, a number of years ago .
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
[Image: medical001.jpg]

Re: MEDICA - Decimus Apollonius - 05-20-2007

VERY COOL! Please if you are willing to share info im all ears. I work in the medical field professionaly and I would love to get my hands on some Roman Medical Equip. Would love to learn more about it. Could you send some close up pics to my email? Its [email protected]

Re: MEDICA - Magnus - 05-20-2007

That is some seriously cool stuff man. Any idea if the basic roman soldier carried his own bandages, or "first aid kit"?

Re: MEDICA - sulla felix - 05-20-2007

Fantastic stuff Brennivs, and some very interesting looking implements.

Re: MEDICA - Martin Moser - 05-20-2007

Hi Tony,

very nice stuff, maybe you have more pics on details as well? Seems we are sharing an interest here, I explain Roman medicine and/or shoemaking (weird combo, huh? :-) ) ) at events and also make implements myself.
Maybe this thread is interesting for you:

And here's my list on recommended reading, maybe there's something in there for you as well:

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. Ãœber die Arzneiwissenschaft. Ãœbers. und erkl. von Eduard Scheller. 2.Aufl. Braunschweig, 1906.

Cruse, Audrey. Roman Medicine. Tempus Publishing, 2004

Cüppers, Heinz. Kranken- und Gesundheitspflege in Trier und dem Trierer Land von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Trier, 1981.

Davies, Roy.W. Some Roman Medicine. Medical History, Vol XIV, No. 1, Jan. 1970. 101-106

Davies, Roy.W. The Medici of the Roman Armed Forces. Epigraphische Studien 8. Düsseldorf, 1969. 82-99

Davies, Roy W. The Roman Military Medical Service. Saalburg Jahrbuch 27, 1970. 84-104

Dioscorides, Pedanius. Des Pedanios Dioskurides aus Anazarbos Arzneimittellehre. Ãœbers. und mit Erkl. vers. von J. Berendes. Stuttgart, 1902

Düppers, Leo. Die römischen Augensalbenstempel
. Aachen, 1972

Feugère, Michel, E. Künzl, U. Weisser. Les aiguilles à cataracte de Montbellet (Saône-et-Loire). Contribution à l’étude de l’ophtalmologie antique et islamique. Die Starnadeln von Montbellet (Saône-et-Loire). Ein Beitrag zur antiken und islamischen Augenheilkunde, Jahrbuch des römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz 32, 1985. 436-481.

Gurdjian, Elisha Stephens. Head injury from antiquity to the present with special reference to penetrating head wounds. Springfield/III., 1973

Heinz, Werner. Baden, Salben und Heilen in der römischen Antike. Augst, 1993

Jackson, Ralph. Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire. British Museum Press, 1991

Jackson, Ralph. The Domus 'del Chirurgo' at Rimini. Journal of Roman Archaeology 16, 2003. 312-21

Knörzer, KarlHeinz. Römerzeitliche Heilkräuter aus Novaesium (Neuß/Rh.). Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 47, Heft 1, März 1963. 311-316.

Knörzer, KarlHeinz. Römerzeitliche Pflanzenfunde aus Neuss. Novaesium IX. Limesforschungen 10, 1970. 128-137

Kollesch, Jutta, Diethard Nickel. Antike Heilkunst.
Reclam, Ditzingen, 1994

Krug, Antje. Heilkunst und Heilkult. Medizin in der Antike. C.H. Beck, 1999

Künzl, Ernst. Der Starstich - Rettung vor Blindheit: Heute ist die Operation des Grauen Stars ein Routineeingriff. Doch wie sah es im römischen Altertum aus? Antike Welt Vol. 35, no3, 2004, 45-50

Künzl, Ernst. Eine Spezialität römischer Chirurgen: Die Lithotomie. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 13, 1983. 487-493

Künzl, Ernst. Medizin in der Antike. Aus einer Welt ohne Narkose und Aspirin. Theiss, 2002

Künzl, Ernst. Medizinische Instrumente aus dem römischen Altertum im Städtischen Museum Worms. Der Wormsgau 13, 1979-1981, 49-63.

Künzl, Ernst. Medizinische Instrumente aus Sepulkralfunden der römischen Kaiserzeit. Rheinland-Verl. Köln, 1983

Künzl, Ernst. Medizinische Instrumente der Römerzeit. Rheinland-Verl. Köln, 1983

Künzl, Ernst. Medizinische Instrumente der Römerzeit aus Trier und Umgebung im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Trier. Trierer Zeitschrift 47, 1984. 153-231.

Leven, Karl-Heinz. Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon. Beck, 2005

Limmer, Ludwig, Günter K. Krieglstein, Augenheilkunde im Rom der frühen Kaiserzeit. Heidelberg, 1992

Majno, Guido. The healing hand: Man and wound in the ancient world. Cambridge/Mass., 1975

Matthäus, Hartmut. Der Arzt in römischer Zeit: Literarische Nachrichten, archäologische Denkmäler. Schriften des Limesmuseums Aalen 39. Stuttgart 1987

Matthäus, Hartmut. Der Arzt in römischer Zeit: Medizinische Instrumente und Arzneien, archäologische Hinterlassenschaften in Siedlungen und Gräbern. Schriften des Limesmuseums Aalen 43. Stuttgart 1989

Milne, John S. Surgical instruments in Greek and Roman times. Oxford, 1907

Müri, Walter. Der Arzt im Altertum. Artemis & Winkler, 2001

Nutton, Vivian. Ancient Medicine. New Edition 2005.

Nutton, Vivian. Medicine and the Roman Army: A Further Reconsideration. Medical History 13, 1969.

Plinius Secundus d. Ä. Naturkunde, Buch XXV. Medizin und Pharmakologie: Heilmittel aus wild wachsenden Pflanzen. übers. v. Roderich König u.a. Zürich, 1996

Riddle, John M. Contraception and abortion from the ancient world to the Renaissance. Cambridge, Mass., 1992

Riddle, John M. Dioscorides on pharmacy and medicine. Austin, 1985

Riha, Emilie. Römisches Toilettgerät und medizinische Instrumente aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Augst, 1986.

Salazar, Christine F. The treatment of war wounds in Graeco-Roman antiquity. Leiden, 2000

Scarborough, John. Roman Medicine and the Legions: A Reconsideration. Medical History 12, 1968. 254-261

Schonack, Wilhelm. Die Rezepte des Scribonius Largus. Jena, 1913.

Sobel, Hildegard. Römische Arzneikästchen. in: Saalburg Jahrbuch 46, 1991, S. 121-147

Stockar, Walter von. Von römischen Augenärzten. Germania, Jahrgang 25, 1941. 23-31

Temkin, Owsei. Soranus Ephesius. Soranus'gynecology. The Johns Hopkins Univ., 1956

Vulpes Benedetto. Illustrazione di tutti gli strumenti chirurgici scavati in Ercolano e in Pompei e che ora sono conservati nel Real Museo Borbonico. Napoli, 1874

Watermann, Rembert A. Medizinisches und Hygienisches aus Germania inferior: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizin und Hygiene der römischen Provinzen. 1974.

Wilmanns, Juliane C. Der Sanitätsdienst im Römischen Reich. Eine sozialgeschichtliche Studie zum Römischen Militärsanitätswesen nebst einer Prosopographie des Sanitätspersonals, Medizin der Antike, Band 2, Olms – Weidmann, Hildesheim, 1995
Würth, Reinhold und Deppert-Lippitz, Barbara, Hrsg. Die Schraube zwischen Macht und Pracht. Das Gewinde in der Antike. Sigmaringen, 1995

medica - brennivs - tony drake - 05-20-2007

Martin cannot argue with impresive list of info Big Grin D
Decimvs if you give me a little time I am busy looking up other info for members I will post what I have ASAP busy with swords at the moment Big Grin
Magnvs I would say yes in his kit, I carry them in my pack but on the battlefield probley not hence the Capsarii.I think they was a few stages a soldier recieved treament ,the Capsarii first then a field Doctor just behind the lines then onto a field hospital. It is a wonderful field to study this is even though I did it a few years ago so I am a little rusty. So here is my own Field Doctors kit Big Grin
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
[Image: medical007.jpg]
[Image: medical009.jpg]

medica - brennivs - tony drake - 05-20-2007

Here Big Grin D
[Image: medical008.jpg]
[Image: medical012.jpg]
[Image: medical011.jpg]
Regards Brennivs Big Grin

medica - brennivs - tony drake - 05-20-2007

Views of Main kit Big Grin
[Image: medical006.jpg]
[Image: medical002.jpg]
[Image: medical005-1.jpg]
Regards Brennivs Big Grin

Re: MEDICA - A_Volpe - 05-20-2007

Wow...Those tools and impliments are amazing, great job, and I love the carrying bag too, great stuff.

...Just keep those tools as far away from my body as possible, thankyouverymuch!


Re: MEDICA - RUBICON - 05-21-2007


I don't know what we would be worse! getting carved up by a barbarian or my own medic!

Big Grin

Thats a great looking tool kit! almost make you wanna not get wounded at all!

Re: MEDICA - AntonivsMarivsCongianocvs - 05-21-2007

Dear lord! Seeing all that would make me hope for a quick death on the battle field rather than facing Medicus iuguolo-patiens*! Just kidding, GREAT job on that kit… laudes awarded.

*Dr. Kill-patient

Re: MEDICA - Martin Moser - 05-21-2007

Quote:Any idea if the basic roman soldier carried his own bandages, or "first aid kit"?

Can't rule it out, but nothing seems to be known about it from the sources, at least I didn't stumble on anything in the books and articles listed above. Anyway, soldiers could rely on a pretty good medical system in the army, with a corps of medical professionals of different levels, including medical specialsts even, to be around both in camp and out in the field as well as hospitals, which were a more or less standardized institution in the camps. Basically this was the only job that brought its own medical care system and a free one at that.

Re: MEDICA - Tarbicus - 05-21-2007

Am I right in saying the chief medical officer was also in charge of the food? Sure I read that somewhere.

As an aside, if you're not in the position to make a capsa, Armillum sell them here: ... cts_id=401

Re: MEDICA - Martin Moser - 05-21-2007

Quote:Am I right in saying the chief medical officer was also in charge of the food? Sure I read that somewhere.

Hm, interesting. Never heard of that, anybody know something more detailed, perhaps?

Re: MEDICA - Tarbicus - 05-21-2007

Can't remember the book or article, but I do remember thinking, "Ooh, 'ey, that's interesting." :roll: