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Ptolemaic Egypt and the Civil Wars (49-30 BC)
As I am working on the Civil Wars from 49 to 30 BC, I have to deal with Egypt at the end of the Ptolemaic era... and some questions come to my mind before I start my researchs...

First, about military resources... we know that Egypt provided some help to Pompey (even if it was not of great use) and gathered troops against Caesar, etc... I would like to know more about these troops (what kind of army was it ? How many soldiers ?) Do you know any study about the Ptolemaic armies from this particular wars and Egyptian manpower at this time ?

Then, about resources... Egypt is well known as a granary of Rome during the Empire, and maybe also at the end of the Republic... but it seems that at this particular moment, because of wars and bad harvests, Egyptian resources would have been low or, at least, not as high as usual... Does someone know any book or article about this ?

I don't know if what I'm looking for exist, but maybe some of you will be able to provide me some helpful remarks !
Thank you !
The answer is: nobody actually knows...

My guess is a mix of Hellenistic and Roman armaments and tactics.
All Hellenistic kingdoms had "imitation Legionaires" at this time.

Throw in Galatian/ Cyrenian/ Nubian mercenaries used as auxilliaries or thureophori and you have a colorful army...

[size=75:p0tt4j64]Even pikes *could* be possible...[/size]
Also known as: Jeroen Leeuwensteyn Confusedhock: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt="Confusedhock:" title="Shocked" />Confusedhock:

"You see, in this world there\'s two kinds of people, my friend. Those armed with pila, and those who dig. You dig."
Quote:The answer is: nobody actually knows...

That's what I feared... Wink

And about the resources during these wars ? Are there books or articles about it ? I usually find informations about Ptolemaic Egypt (and very few about Cleopatra's time) or about the Empire, when Egypt was turned into a province... But I think it could be interesting to learn more about Egypt during the Civil Wars, as the country was also in its own civil war, which must have had consequences on its resources...
I would say: try your luck at google books :wink:

You should get a few hits Big Grin
Also known as: Jeroen Leeuwensteyn Confusedhock: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt="Confusedhock:" title="Shocked" />Confusedhock:

"You see, in this world there\'s two kinds of people, my friend. Those armed with pila, and those who dig. You dig."
Thank you anyway ! Wink
Try looking into "Solider and Society in Roman Egypt: A Social History" by Richard Alston, Routledge press.

Most of the surviving papyrus and records seen in the book are from the post Augustus period up into the 200's AD. Unfortunately that's not what you're looking for - but I agree that it's likely a mish-mash of several regional peoples and equipment before Rome really comes into Egypt.

There are several Auxiliary units that are mentioned, but again this is probably more from the Imperial period than Late Republic.

The information in the book is really great either way. I'm so glad I stumbled across it [on Amazon].
Andy Volpe
"Build a time machine, it would make this [hobby] a lot easier."
Legion III Cyrenaica ~ New England U.S.
Higgins Armory Museum 1931-2013 (worked there 2001-2013)
(Collection moved to Worcester Art Museum)
Try looking for some of the books by Nick Sekunda on the subject. However are selling his Montvert title on the Ptolemaic army at rather an expensive price but his book on Hellenistic infantry reforms might also be of interest.

"Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream" Edgar Allan Poe.

"Every brush-stroke is torn from my body" The Rebel, Tony Hancock.

"..I sweated in that damn dirty armor....TWENTY YEARS!', Charlton Heston, The Warlord.

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