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Beginning of my novel.........I hope
Here is the main jist of it. The story willl start out with a messenger wether or not a politician i do not know i am not exactly sure who carries messages. He will arrive at one of the top training "facilities" , if you will, with a message for the head person of the "facility" (what would he be called?) The message is straight from ceasar himself asking for an elite cohort or a smaller force (which do you think it should be?) To to escort him through enemy territory (who were the most hostile towards the romans?) and take him to see some high ranking official of another country to do "buisness". There are a lot of questions in this i apologize but i would like some input on it and some info. It is probably confusing to read as well i apologize again sometimes it is hard to protray my ideas with words they are to big lol. (And i know the plot of thw story needs to be better lol)
Legionare Vibius Atimonius
Ben Hathaway[/i]
Hi Ben,

so you want to be a writer!
The main question you propably want to ask yourself is: what is the story you want to tell! Who will be the main person(s) be? Will he be a civilian or a soldier etc. Do you have an idea about that?
Jeroen Pelgrom
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I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
Hi Ben, welcome to the Forum Big Grin

I might think that the Emperor would send to the Praetorian Guard as opposed to a regular army unit (which wouldn't have been in the city anyway) for escort. The Romans were continually at war in Germania, so one of the tribes there along the Danube could be a good choice. Then again, it really depends on the time you are thinking of where there was danger and where not so much.

See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!
Basically it's a travel story, with some arduous quest. First you have to decide what the "quest" is don't you? What is the message? Why are they taking it to where they are taking it? What's the mission? Find that, and you will find your story and then the characters' motivations should fall out naturally after that. Good people will see the quest through, bad ones with try to thwart it.

There were lots of envoys and secret missions in the Roman empire. My advice, pick one and elaborate on it.

Also read "Silver Pigs" (can't remember the author!) and other series to get an idea of what has been done before.

Sounds good and good luck!!

Theodoros of Smyrna (Byzantine name)
aka Travis Lee Clark (21st C. American name)

Moderator, RAT

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Oh! and the Toledo helmet .... oh hell, forget it. :? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />:?
THis great guys! Big Grin Thanks for the support! Should i use a real ceasar's name or should a make up one? The story will mainly focus on the soldiers and their point of view of the hwole trip and stuff so the ceasar won't be mentioned much.
Legionare Vibius Atimonius
Ben Hathaway[/i]
Quote:THis great guys! Big Grin Thanks for the support! Should i use a real ceasar's name or should a make up one? The story will mainly focus on the soldiers and their point of view of the hwole trip and stuff so the ceasar won't be mentioned much.

Pick an emperor.

Roman history isn't like mythology. We know the names of every emperor. So I would pick the age you want and then pick an emperor from that era. I wouldn't worry about fudging a little bit however, most novels do. For example, if you're in the 20's pick Tiberias or Caligula. You don't have to be too specific.

Small confession. I'm writing something myself and I put it in the last year of the reign of Nero. I couldn't resist putting Seneca in there because he has so many good one-liners at Nero's expense. Small problem, Seneca committed suicide four years earlier. I think that's a forgivable fudge however. However, putting Seneca in the age of say...Augustus, would be a bit of stretch.

So find an era, pick an emperor, and then don't worry too much past that.

Theodoros of Smyrna (Byzantine name)
aka Travis Lee Clark (21st C. American name)

Moderator, RAT

Rules for RAT:
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Oh! and the Toledo helmet .... oh hell, forget it. :? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />:?

Try reading 'Exploratio', by N. Austin and B. Rankov. 1995London.

Deals with Military intelligence. Soldiers like the Beneficarii could be involved with dispatches.

"Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream" Edgar Allan Poe.

"Every brush-stroke is torn from my body" The Rebel, Tony Hancock.

"..I sweated in that damn dirty armor....TWENTY YEARS!', Charlton Heston, The Warlord.
I know who Nero is but who is Seneca?
Legionare Vibius Atimonius
Ben Hathaway[/i]
Google is your friend
Google is your friend still

But when you do write your novel, you will have to do a lot more reading than just on Google. Best of luck!

rkmvca/rich klein

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