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Character Immersion or Yourself

But that is the educational part , both for yourself and the public. What is a first Century ' Me' , or what ever time period that is portrayed? .... Stop to think about all of the knowledge an individual carries around, Information about family, types of food, education, housing, clothing, religion, politics, etc. It is that translation of the ' Me' to the different timed period that allows an educational exchange with the public.

When we have non public events, It is still a learning experience for me. How does this baldric work, why doesn't my segmentata wear properly, and on and on, ..... Learning and sharing that info does it for me. IC Arminius Primus has a wholly different world view and a unique set of life experiences that I am constantly adding to....

But even with that in mind , don't forget that this is a hobby and it is supposed to be fun! If the fun stops happening, then it's time to move on.

Regards from the Balkans, Arminius Primus aka Al


aka ( Al Fuerst)

I would agree with Matthew Amt; we use 3rd person techniques when dealing with the public and remain "IC" the rest of the time.

Although, for us, IC roleplaying around camp is really quite mundane. In fact it may technically NOT BE roleplaying. Although we use persona names, our conversations revolve around cooking, gathering firewood, doing the crafts that we've brought, discussing new project ideas/techniques or hunting for food. These are real conversations we need to have AND they're perfectly authentic; so is that "roleplaying"?
[Image: dirttagline.jpg]
Gobae - The Blacksmith
aka Dan Crowther
Ancient Celtic Clans
Re: Living History Blog
Speaking of first person impressions, this question is addressed to all of you Latin speakers and readers. How would I say "Up Batavians!", as in "charge!" or "let's get 'em"? I am working on my first person for Castra Lafe next year, and I figured that every little bit I learn will help. Thank you for your time.

Lvcivs Meridvs Iodivs/Jody Merideth
"To the Battle" could be "Ad Pugnam" (Odd POOG nahm)
"Forward/Advance" could be "Porro" (POUR oh) Be sure to roll your Rs

In either case you could use the plural direct address (vocative) "Batavi" (BAH tah wee, or bah TAH wee--could be either one, more likely the first)

Batavi! Ad pugnam! for example. There are other choices, but I'm sure these are among the Lafe/ISPA command list. You don't want them to think you're a foreigner, you know?
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Thank you very much for the quick reply. I hear the Lafe event is the Teutonberg Wald next year, so I really don't want to sound like a foreigner while amongst the auxilia (gulp). Thanks again for your help.
Lvcivs Meridvs Iodivs/Jody Merideth
I can only speak theoretically since I'm not technically a reenactor myself, lacking a group, but I'd probably go for largely a 'situational' method as Matt Amt described- fully in character when demonstrating with other 'Romans', but myself when dealing with 'the public'. I wouldn't consider calling each other by character names as fully in character and probably would do so since it adds to the flavour when kitted out, but I don't think it'd go beyond a bit of fun...
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