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Roman Miniatures News Thread
I'm glad you all like them Smile

Thracian Peltasts


Thracians were justly famous for their light troops and whilst regularly fielded as peltasts they were more than capable of joining the thick of the action with their wicked curved-bladed rhomphaia swords.

[Image: WGH-GR-34-Thracian-Peltasts-1-600x279.jpg]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
9 Months without an update is shameful, my apologies forum.

Well for an update I have the first preview of a LONG awaited addition from warlord games

Plastic Caesarian Romans

Our next plastic set for our Hail Caesar Ancients range will be more Romans – this time Caesarian/Republican! Here are a few preview snaps of the 3-ups from before we sent them to the toolmakers. As you’d imagine, the plastic command group comprises of centurion, standard bearer and musician. Using the same bodies as the legionaries, these will be able to be built in a variety of poses as a result.


[Image: WIP-Caes-Rom-1-600x482.jpg]

[Image: WIP-Caes-Rom-4-600x421.jpg]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno

Plastic velites.
In the name of heaven Catiline, how long do you propose to exploit our patience..
They - are - EXQUISITE! I have never seen this manufacturer before. Thank you!
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
Some Scythian/Sarmatians

[Image: SCYU02%20catalogue%20image.jpg]
In the name of heaven Catiline, how long do you propose to exploit our patience..
Work in progress Late Roman Cataphracts from Musketeer miniatures - WORK IN PROGRESS

[Image: image.jpeg]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
Musketeer miniatures - Romano-British Heros

[Image: THO_5340.JPG]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
Agema Miniatures - Republican Roman Velites

[Image: 358446925.jpg]

[Image: 3110952213.jpg]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
Musketeer miniatures - Late Roman Cataphracts - Finished

[Image: image+(2).jpeg]
[Image: image+(4).jpeg]
[Image: image+(3).jpeg]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
Legionaries with manuballista - Aventine miniatures

By far one of the best releases I have seen in a long time

[Image: EIR71.JPG]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
Very cool. I like the "bucket" quiver, too.
But--since the Romans did at least as much constructing and excavating as they did fighting, how about some excavators and stone movers?
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Aventine has expanded their Praetorians this month, these are only a few of the new sets

Praetorian/Equites Singulares Command

EIR81 has an officer, a standard bearer and a musician. They will come with the EIRH2 horses as shown in the photograph. I have added EIR81a to make it easier to order this pack with the other horses(EIRH1). The standard and pole are separate casting as are the heads for the musician and standard bearer. This allows some variation and the ability to use other heads when we get them done(face masks etc.)

[Image: EIR81.JPG]

EIR80 Mounted staff/Tribune

EIR80 is a mounted staff set. There are three horses, 2 shields, 2 standards, 7 heads and three bodies. The various combinations will go together to make a mounted centurion with a stick in his right hand, a standard bearer and a senior command figure. The heads are separate and can be glued in various directions. We have said this is a mounted Tribune but really it could be any of the higher ranked Romans including the Emperor.

[Image: EIR80.JPG]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno
Aventine miniatures has a heap of new cavlry so I'll show off a new new guys here, for the full range check Aventine miniatures' shop.


[Image: UD54%20Contarii.JPG]
[Image: EIR87%20contarii.JPG]
Damian Laurence Zamprogno

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