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Dacian Items
Hey guys,

I'm a reenactor that was hoping to make some Dacian cultural items (Swords, Belts, Camp Knives, Fibulae, and Clothing) and was wondering if anyone out there would have any Diagrams of the sort to help me in my plans? I'm looking for stuff mainly from the 1st Century B.C. to the 1st Century A.D.

Thomas Dormuth

It's the forum rules to put your real first name on the posts. I did manage to find some useful info here. The main problem seems to be the belt buckles and the fibulae, because they look very Celtic at this time. Celtic influence in Dacian culture gradually waned up to the Roman invasion.

There's also good pictures on this site here (Dacian and Roman reenactors), however, you would still need better diagrams to make accurate reproductions of smaller items (ie, belts and fibula).

Dan Dalby

Group Leader Project Germani

Germanic Tribes of the 1st. cen. BCE to the 1st cen. CE

Here is the other link
Dan Dalby

Group Leader Project Germani

Germanic Tribes of the 1st. cen. BCE to the 1st cen. CE
Hi Thomas

You should go to that site provided by Dan, the reenactment one. Some of those people there are historians or archeologists, but all studied well all kind of sources for their weapons and equipment.

This is a document about Falx sword (have some images with some swords discovered and a short resume in English as well)

This is with some of Sica findings (again, with images and a short English text, including descriptions of size and so on)

And this is an article about the Dacian armour (with images and as well a short English text)

About other equipments, you can see even images from Trajan Column, like "Phrygian helmets" used (they appear at the base, among the trophies) even scale armour or chain armour, models of shields etc.

This are some older finds (like V-III century BC i think) silver and gold helmets (click on those images for larger view, but they are harder to reproduce i believe)
Razvan A.
Hi Thomas

There are other sources as well, like Dacian statues, you can search for more on the net if you think it might help you (i think there are at least 100 statues of Dacians from Roman era, spread in different places and museums)

Here are few of them
Razvan A.
The latest issue of "Ancient Warfare" magazine is about the Dacians and the Dacian Wars, you will probably find some useful material there.
Christopher Webber

<a class="postlink" href="">
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... an_photos/
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[Image: Folp126_small.jpg]
Hi, I've always found this link interesting!
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Titus Flavius Germanus
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