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York Goes Roman in 2005?
York reverts to Eboracum in 2005?<br>
<br> <p>Legio XX<br>
Caput dolet, pedes fetent, Iesum non amo<br>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
What website is this? My pc won't open the link, for it involves downloading the folder.<br>
Valerius/Robert <p></p><i></i>
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
The Vikings wont like that !! <p></p><i></i>
I checked that link on two computers and both worked, but very slowly. <p>Legio XX<br>
Caput dolet, pedes fetent, Iesum non amo<br>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Hi Rich,<br>
It's not a point of not working, but downloading. When I click the link there's an immediate download warning. And even when I agree to download the file (instead of opening a new page in my browser like it should), the operation fails.<br>
Meaning, I can't open the link. I've tried copy-pasting it, same result. Too bad.<br>
Valerius/Robert <p></p><i></i>
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
I opened it without problem but I'm not sure about if what I saw deserved the effort...<br>
I had heard of that York festival conmemorating Constantine's dies imperii two years ago and, being part of one of the few European re-enactment groups roughly contemporary with Constantine's time, I had put great expectations on it....<br>
Well, what do we see when we open the site? A man playing Constantine, dressed like a 1st/2nd century emperor... hailed by two (one mirror image of the other ) rows of... 1st/2nd century legionaries!!!<br>
With all my respect to the organizers: Which kind information did they miss when they were designing the advertisement?<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
Ah well!!! It seems we will be doing yet another 'everybody knows what Romans looked like, don't they?' session where the organisers (or advertisers at least) assume that nothing changed in a thousand years. It was rather better in Chester a couple of weeks back when we were reviewed by the 'emperor Domitian' - much closer to our own timeline. That said, York is always a good venue and I'm looking forward to it. Perhaps the organisers can fit a picture of me in next to Pudens, Censor, Marinus(14) and Marius next year!<br>
Crispvs <p></p><i></i>
Who is called \'\'Paul\'\' by no-one other than his wife, parents and brothers.  :!: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" />:!:

<a class="postlink" href="">
I'm glad to report that you won't have to wait a whole year for this event it is on in two weeks time (and hopefully 2005).<br>
Being involved in the organisation I can atest that this is a great event in a lovely location. As for the timeline we will annoy the purists, but we've got a few hearts and minds to win over in York. For many years York has promoted itself as a Viking City beleiving there was little mileage in the Roman heritage. Last year we proved this not to be the case. the groups involved were 1st/2nd century (RMRS and Deva VIctrix plus a some of LEG VII CLAV; multi period) hence the picture.<br>
We always work in this period 'cause that's what we do. The Constantine aspect was a local requirement as quite understandably York want shout about their own 'homegrown' emperor Constantine (who they supplied). We loaned our imperial garb 1st/2nd Century (OK it's wrong we know).<br>
Why not stick to the Constantine period? to be honest, we'd never get the event off the ground. The public perception of Romans is the classic seg clad legionary. Without getting basing the event off the back of this there'd be no event<br>
If we can secure the future and funding of this event then it's a prime event to expand and show the diversity through the periods of the City's existence .<br>
I know a lot of you, particularly late romans get hacked off with being left out and I know a lot of purists get infuriated by inaccuracies. This is only the second year of the festival and we hope it will grow to satisfy purists and public alike.<br>
So give Keith a bit of well deserved support in York, go and see the event and then tell York City Council how wonderful it was and that it should happen at least five times a year!<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>
Hi Mummius,<br>
I was rather trying to provoke an answer by some organizer and, at least, I've succeeded in that<br>
My group (Cohors Prima Gallica) attended to the Summer Hill festival with Roma Antiqua last year. We'd have liked to to attend to your Chester festival this year with them but lack of money/sponsors have prevented us from even trying it.<br>
I have some experience on the difficulties involved in creating and keeping alive a Roman festival. We're haveing the third edition of our 'Ludi Veleienses' next September.[url=" target="top]Ludi Veleienses 2003[/url]<br>
I'm a reasonable 'purist' and I wonder if by 2006, the anniversary, the Eboracum festival would be consolidated enough as to try a late Roman go with 'period' Constantine and soldiers. The public could be shown the evolution of Roman Army in York and the culmination could be the hailing of Constantine... Please, tell Keith about this!<br>
Ah, York, a really nice place. I visited the city during the South Shields ROMEC, in the increasingly farther 1999!<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
Oh for more money, the things we could do! And hopefully we will be able to do in the coming years.<br>
My thinking is the same as yours on the timeline. It would be really great to show representations of Roman ancestors through the different periods and resident legions/cohors, definitely something to aim for.<br>
As soon as we get solid reliable funding for this event, rest assured we'll be contacting you for your specialist input(likewise for Chester).<br>
As it looks like we'll be doing it the Constantine 'coronation' again, any hints on what he should be wearing (I'm out of my depth with late roman period dress).<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>
Hi Mummius,<br>
The best place to start looking for Constantine's appearance is his own Arch at Rome (liitle detail but it is better to start from overall to detail!) I've been looking for an excellent site with detail views of the friezes. I downloaded the images several months ago but I didn't keep the link<br>
Part of the frieze depicts Constantine's triumph after Maxentius' defeat. You can see Constantine dressed as military, wearing the chlamys and dressed as a civilian, wearing the bizarre late pleated toga.<br>
The textiles weren't the plain ones of the earlier Empire anymore and pattern woven ones were suited for an emperor...<br>
Constantine's (who I hate personally) coronation could well evolve to an elaborated and atractive pageant, with no doubt!<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
Thanks to Antoninus Lucretius, I've finally found that link about Constantine's Arch!<br>
[url=" target="top][/url]<br>
Enjoy it, and comment!<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner

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