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calcei patterns and instructions
Here may be another option for hobnails<br>
They've also got very nice buckles and dagger frogs.<br>
Florentius <p></p><i></i>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>Here may be another option for hobnails<hr><br>
Note that that shop has been changed of URL:<br>
The new is: [url=" target="top][/url]<br>
But in the new site he does sell new items, but also don't sell some of his "old" items. He doesn't sell hobnails and frogs at this moment, maybe the will be availiable again if future, but at the moment NOT.<br>
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Thanks for the updated info. I'll reset my link.<br>
Florentius <p></p><i></i>
I've bought these "black oxide finished wrought head 5/8" nails" to use as hobnails. They seem pretty close to some sorts I've seen on commercial caligae, but a little more metal in the head.<br>
The tip of using needlenose pliers is a very good one. Until the leather grips the nail, your finger and thumb are pretty well hanging out there for the hammer to bite.<br>
What do others think of these nails?<br>
<img src="" style="border:0;"/><br>
Here is a photo of a hobnail made by this company:<br>
D B Gurney Co<br>
Address: PO Box 430<br>
Whitman, MA 02382-0430<br>
Voice: 781-447-4411<br>
Fax: 781-447-3155<br>
Product: Tacks & nails<br>
Unfortunately they have no website, but are good on the phone, and you can order a sample pack. They have many more nails, but these seemed best for Roman. It is important to be specific -these are 4/8 #14 Round Head Hungarian- There are for example 4/8 #14's that are not round head, or hungarian. I suggest calling for a sample of every thing in the hobnail line, and go from there. They have been making Hobnails since like 1825 or so...<br>
Vale, Florentius <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>jaredfleury</A> at: 11/28/04 11:16 am<br></i>

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