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Segmentata hinges
Salvete Omnes<br>
I'm planning to knock up some new corbirdge A's and B's. I was wondering if anyone was aware of any hinge patterns other than the classic triple lobed. I do like a bit of variety...evn if it's only a very little bit.<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>
Well, the lobed hinges are one of the defining characteristics of the Corbridge types, so without them, it ain't a Corbridge! But there was certainly some variation in the shapes, particularly in the type A hinges, some of which have the triangular hole in the middle.<br>
Best bet is to track down a copy of Lorica Segmentata Volume 2, by MD Thomas (JRMES Monograph No. 2), which is a catalog of lorica finds. Has EVERY kinda hinge. But that's out of print, so maybe something like the Vindonissa catalog, which has over a page of lorica hinges and pieces. Heck, old Bishop and Coulston has a good half-page of options, too, though that is also out of print and really hard to find.<br>
That get you started? For something completely different from the Corbridge hinges, you'd have to do a Kalkriese or a Newstead (now THAT one has spiffy hinges!). Presumably you've already been to the Legio XX website,<br>
thought it won't show you a lot of hinge options. Does have a bibliography, though, with full info on those books I mentioned.<br>
Good luck! Vale,<br>
Matthew/Quintus, Legio XX <p></p><i></i>
Matthew Amt (Quintus)
Legio XX, USA
<a class="postlink" href="">
Thanks for the info Quintus. I'll try and check out the references (our nice friends at the Grosvenor museum in Chester may be able to help).<br>
Your site has been on my 'favourites' for a long while. In fact I used your plans to help me make my 'A'.<br>
This was such a resounding success that I've been requested to make or assist with at least another 5 sets this year.<br>
Hence the reason for the question. Whilst the pierced hinges on my 'A' look great they were a bit of a chore to make.<br>
I seem to remember seeing a set of segmentata with very simple hinges, but I can't find the source. Apart from my memory playing tricks on me it could be that this pattern of hinge is complete hokum.<br>
I'm a little unsure about Newstead at the moment. our group has some of the old style Newstead's which will probably need re-working to comply with new thinking. How definitive is the Newstead picture displayed on your site?<br>
Best regards<br>
Deva Victrix<br>
Ave Mummius,<br>
You seem to be close to Chester then? Are you in the Chester Guard? If so you must be fairly close to us.<br>
If you cant find the references let me know & I can email or snailmail something to you. (You havent got much contact info on your personal details). I dont recall seeing much in the way of fittings in the Grosvenor, or Dewa for that matter. Some further south of you in Caerleon though.<br>
If you've got to make lots of lorica hinges you're probably best making bog standard plain lobates, without any fancy holes in the middle & cheat - use a press if you can. I made all mine by hand, the hard way, (because I must be a masochist, or stupid, or just plain pedantic) but it's not worth it if you're into mass production.<br>
I think the very plain hinges you mentioned must have been the ones on the early Kalkriese.<br>
(you can see some on the webpage of my reconstruction on<br>
These are simple, but DEFINITELY NOT right for a Corbridge A or B. I would also stick to the Corbridge A as well, as it will be simpler to make - less fittings to make, among other reasons.<br>
Dont know what time-scale you're working to, but if you have to get all of these done for the start of this years season, you've got a lot of grief on.<br>
Best of luck<br>
Claudia Crisis (H Travis)<br>
Thanks for the info. After having searched around I have to confess (rather sheepishly) that it was the Kalkriese I was thinking of. As posted on the Leg VIII Aug site (yours?).<br>
Guilty as charged, I'm Optio with the Chester Guard (although that is the name of the parade, we now call ourselves Deva Victrix).<br>
I may drop you a line if I have no joy finding the references from the Museum, or I could well take your advice and have a jolly down to Isca.<br>
I guess there's no way of dodging the work, I'm just gonna have to spend the time cutting the lobed hinges. No piercings this time though.<br>
I like the idea of a stamp/press but I recently found out the tooling costs for this and it's well beyond my means.<br>
Work commitments are getting the better of me, so my five sets will be spaced out over the next 12 months.<br>
I've convinced the chaps that you can't rush a good job!<br>
Best regards.<br>
PS. I agree totally with your comments on the tunic reconstruction. Chesters resident full-time roman's, have definitely raised this point.The inconsistency between the historical references and the reality of wearing a vast tunic under lorica, has bothered me, but I don't suppose we'll ever solve it. <p></p><i></i>

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