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Shameless plug (web designer needs to eat)
I know, I know-- no advertising on the forum. But, despite the gross nepotism involved, I've been given special permission. :wink:

In an attempt to help feed myself (and a certain ravenous cloggie), I'm trying to find people who might be interested in my web design services. I'm pretty good (if I do say so myself), especially in relation to the fees I charge!

I craft all my pages lovingly by-hand in a text-editor using HTML, CSS, and PHP. I always strive to make usable designs that are multi-browser compatible and standards compliant.

So, even if you're in no way interested, I'd appreciate it if everyone could remember me if they're in that situation (and I know we all are) where they're talking to some guy and he says: "boy, I sure need someone to work on a website for me!" If you could just remember me in such situations, it would be a great help. Big Grin

If you'd like more information on my work, to see some samples or look at my resume, please visit my site at:

Your patience with my blatant self-promotion is appreciated.
-Christy Beall
Sure Christy, I will.

Quote:In an attempt to help feed myself (and a certain ravenous cloggie)
You could use a runcible spoon...

The Owl and the Pussycat poem

The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are, you are, you are,
What a beautiful Pussy you are."
Pussy said to the Owl "You elegant fowl,
How charmingly sweet you sing.
O let us be married, too long we have tarried;
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows,
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose, his nose, his nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling your ring?"
Said the Piggy, "I will"
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon.
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand.
They danced by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Posted a link to this over on another listserve for arthistorians. Not sure if it will get any hits, but as a former web designer I have empathy. My web skills kept me fed when my art history skills could not. Now that I teach, my web skills have suffered.

Good luck!!

Theodoros of Smyrna (Byzantine name)
aka Travis Lee Clark (21st C. American name)

Moderator, RAT

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<a class="postlink" href=""> for posting

Oh! and the Toledo helmet .... oh hell, forget it. :? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />:?

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