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Segmentata Tip
Had to make more roves.. ran out...

Thought I'd pass this one along

Strips of scrap brass..lots of that about!!

Using a chisel, mark out squares. Cut deep enough to allow you to snap off a square with your fingers but not so deep that the brass square goes flying across the workbench

Using a drift punch make holes, slightly smaller than the rivet you are using.

Using a rivet setting tool or worn tube punch set the rove over the rivet shaft. If the rove's hole is small the rivet setting tool will set the rove firmly in place.

You can snap off the rove and set it on the rivet or make a "bandolier" of roved rivets!

I usually have apprentices make a hundred or two at a time. Great way for a young guy to learn how to handle a variety of tools and learn finess. Strike to hard and the work becomes troublesome what with roves flying about and punched holes made too large

If the hole is too large simply strike the hole a time or two with hammer to spread the brass into the hole.

It sure is nice to have a small box full of ready to use roved rivets!


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