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Doping In Antiquity Revisited (long).
Ave Omnes.

A while ago Medusa asked a question about doping in Antiquity as it related to Gladiators.
After reading an article in Iron Man magazine on Low Carb diets I can tell you that doping was practiced in Antiquity. Whether it was deliberate or accidental is another issue.
Before going on I have to say that I'm speaking in part from personal experience. Recently I've begun to pursue as healthy a lifestyle as I can.
I met a few of you at Mobile after I had already lost 25lbs. At my heaviest I was 237lbs. At Mobile I was around 212lbs and 31% body fat. I recently hit 183lbs with 24% body fat.
Back to the article in Iron Man magazine. The article mentioned a certain Criton of Milos who ate a high protein low carb diet. He also lifted a calf daily as it grew to a Bull. That got me to thinking about some of the supplements I take right now. These include flax seed oil, and a regular intake of olive oil. Both these oils contain essential fats which help in muscle building. Olive Oil is highly touted in many fitness magazines for muscle growth. Fish oil (insert Garum) would be another source of protein and essential fats for muscle building. Consuming salt also helps with muscle building according to some sources I've read. Given the extremely riggorus training that Gladiators under went the net result of the consumption of these food products would have been enhanced muscle growth.

AKA: Aries.
Jeff Israelson
Legion X Fratensis
Gladiator School Of Texas

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