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Roman underwear
I know that this has been posted before but in the older post some of the photos no longer can be acquired.

Does anyone have reconstruction photos on how to make a subligaculum? I did a google search and nothing came up.

"You have to laugh at life or else what are you going to laugh at?" (Joseph Rosen)

Doc, do you want a simple loincloth or a gladiators subligaculum with point down in the middle?

I've used both a simple straight piece of fabric as well as a shaped piece to get a better appearance, based on the drawings in the Shadrake book. Can make pictures if you want.
Some are described on here:
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio

Thanks for the reply. I was looking for the simpler loincloth.
"You have to laugh at life or else what are you going to laugh at?" (Joseph Rosen)

I've made some from a half square of cloth, such that the long side is enough to go around the waist and tie in a square knot in front. Bring the triangle up, under the knot, and let the rest hang down in front. I wouldn't swear that was how they did it, but you get pretty much the same look as a gladiator's loincloth, which might mean that underwear looked like that for non gladiators, too. Feels strange at first, especially for those of us used to modern briefs.

You don't really want to see a picture of me wearing that, though. :oops:
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Thanks David for the tip. They may not exactly be the modern briefs but, at least from pictures, look more comfortable; let more air in :lol:
"You have to laugh at life or else what are you going to laugh at?" (Joseph Rosen)

Yeah, that would work indeed. My gladiators subligaculi are all preshaped. The simpler one I've for civilian duty is a simple rectangle, I think of about 30 cm width. Folded once. Fold is in the front and both ends got between the legs, each around the other sides and knot on the front within the 'fold'. Have an appearance similar to such a sumo wrestler loincloth. Prefer my gladiator subligaculum, though.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio

Would you happen to have photos on how you would do those steps you mentioned?
"You have to laugh at life or else what are you going to laugh at?" (Joseph Rosen)


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