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Late Republican/Civil War Impression

Another lowly newb here with one of those dreadfully annoying questions that could probably be answered using the 'search' function if only he wasn't too lazy! I'm a 21 year old college student with a developing interest in Roman reenactment. Although I have searched for many tiresome hours I haven't managed to find any groups operating in my area (Colorado) so I've decided to go it alone and possibly round up a few other wandering legionaries. The time period I am most interested in portraying is the Late Republican Era through the Civil War. Unfortunately this seems to come with a shortage in archeological evidence and gear readily available as opposed to the later periods in history. Why this particular era than?

Well, for starters I'm a Roman coin collector. Most of the coins I collect are very late Imperial and while I find them fascinating, I would like to delve into a part of Roman history that I am only vaguely familiar with. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, I'm a tall, lanky, skinny guy and it's been my experience through other reenacting endeavors that my humble frame looks a lot better in chain armor (or lorica hamata in this case) than it does in plate, which tends to be over sized. That may seem like a rather trivial reason to portray a more difficult time period, but in the end it's all about having fun and being comfortable. I enjoy looking soldierly rather than like a child playing at war.

So, my question is this. Where should I start? There are so many different opinions, sources, etc on the subject that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. The basic articles of clothing seem simple enough and there are several sets of lorica hamata available, but when it comes to the rest is seems hard to find a consensus. For instance, what type of gladius would be acceptable? Mainz patterns seem too early for this period, but there does not seem to be a decent Gladius Hispaniensis available through anyone. Deepeeka has one model, the Delos, that looks okay, but it isn't fabulous. What about belts? One belt, two belts, crossed belts, plated belts? Pugio or not pugio, so on and so forth...

If anyone else portrays the time period in question or just knows more about it than I do I would be extremely grateful if you could give me a break down of your gear, where you obtained it, and why you think it is justified (the last part mostly being for items that are contested, like Mainz vs. Hispaniensis. I don't really need to know what kind of underwear you sport under your tunic).


David Fischer
David Fischer

first of all a welcome to RAT and to Roman re-enactment. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I do.

About your choise. I don't think your wishes to use hamata would restrict you to the period you've choosen for. The hamata was used by all types of soldiers during most of the Roman times. But its an interesting period, and I don't want to avoid you portraying it. Unfortunatelly my kit of that period isn't ready yet, so I can't share any pictures for now.

But, to start with, you could go to a library/bookshop and get yourself a copy of Bishop and Coulston 'Roman military equipment' (on loan). This book will tell you most of the basics about what kind of equipment was 'in fashion' during different periods within the Roman era. About clothing, almost the best writing is the recently published 'Roman military dress' by Graham Sumner.

In basic I would go for the following: Helmet: Montefortino or early coolus; lorica hamata, Mainz or Hispaniensis gladius. Double belt. (choose a design we know from your period/part of the empire you going to portray). Maybe a titelberg pugio, would be nice.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
Thanks for the reading recommendations, that really helps me out a lot!

My college library has all of the above titles and more.
David Fischer

My group does Late Late Republican through early Augustan, circ 44 BCE after the death of Caesar. Yes there is a lack of information on this period, however i have put together through differnt sources a kit that should be something close to this era, though there is no specific evidence.

Here is a picture of 2 of us in Late republican/early augustan kit, its not the best picture, but i hope it helps, and a picture of just me, sorry no helmets, but the Coolus C fits the period well
Quintus Licinius Aquila
aka. Kevin Williams

Optio Leg X E V
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