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The rise of Christianity (?)
We need to rewrite some textbooks, I guess: there were already Christians in the fifth century before Christ: read it here.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
I take this as indisputable proof of time travel.
David J. Cord
So we're actually living in the 25th Century? Where's my starship?
Wait a minute ...

Aren't these the same reporters pushing the 'Roman Legionaries In China' story ...?

Ah The People's Daily -- All the News The Party thinks is fit for The People.


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Big Grin
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
This is why Plato preferred logic.:roll:
Alan J. Campbell

member of Legio III Cyrenaica and the Uncouth Barbarians

Author of:
The Demon's Door Bolt (2011)
Forging the Blade (2012)

"It's good to be king. Even when you're dead!"
             Old Yuezhi/Pazyrk proverb
I rather doubt the Syrian archeologists were pleased with the report.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
I doubt the Syrians are pleased with anything. My understaning is the Syrian government is very difficult to deal with in archaeological matters.

Anyway. What is wrong with the report. In an Art History Class I was told there was early Christian art that dated from the B.C.E era. I forget which century. In this same class I was also told Hapshepsut was the first feminist, and early Christian art was disguised to not look like early Christian art because the Romans would smash all the statues. Which is why all the satues look like non-Christian statues. And things. Even though they were not Chistian statues. Really. Sometimes. ...or words to this effect... (Grad student teachers can be real fun.)

Well, if it is no longer Anno Domini or Before Christ as reference points, then logically Christianity can start at any point of time of the Common Era. Totally random point, correct?
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Only as random as the thinking of journalists.

Which, come to think of it, is about as random as you can get. :roll:
"Fugit irreparabile tempus" (Irrecoverable time glides away) Virgil

Ron Andrea

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