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10mm Game
I recently bought a set of 10mm Roman Legionaries and another set of 10mm Celts from Steve Barber Models (via RLBPS distributer here in the States). Half the reason was just to try out this scale, I usually do 25mm, but I like it and the figures are well done. However, I don't know of any good rules sets, free or commercial, that would be a good Early Imperial cohort-level game. Does anyone know of some good ones? Any 'reviews' of games would be greatly appreciated. <p></p><i></i>
Howdy Velite,<br>
I have played Classical hack a number of times: You can get info about it here as well as other ancient rules sets:<br><br>
It plays fairly quickly and doesn't require much bookkeeping provided you do your initial sets ups (there are reference cards that help laying out for differnt unit capabilities.) It's my favorite of the official rules sets.<br>
I have also played Shock of Impact which is pretty complicated sort of the ASL of the Minis stuff. Fun to read but difficult to work through.<br>
DBA is for me too abstract for what I'm looking for, but fun for simple wargaming or getting beginners into the mix. It's probably the most popular rules set.<br>
Another thing I have done is taken GMT's Great Battles of History series such as SPQR and played it with 6mm miniatures w/ one stand equals one counter in the game. That was fun and I used the informational markers laid out next to units to track the status of the battle. GBOH is here and here:<br>
<br> (You can DL the simple GBOH rules there)<br><br>
By Cohort level what do you mean? the sub units are cohorts or all your guys together make up one cohort?<br>
I have large Roman Armies in 15mm and 6mm. I have used Classical hack for 6mm and tried to have the sub units as Cohorts (I use four stands (16 figs each) per Cohort).<br>
But since my kid started playing (He's 6.5) I have dialed the scale down to individual level and house rules. So in effect we are using the troops and fighting as a single Cohort or two on a one to one scale vs various enemies. It's a nice effect when you have like a thousand Romans out there in formation.<br>
We also like doing 15mm in one to one scale usually a cohort having at it with barbarians.<br>
Hopefully you can access this page to see some of my guys laid out in 6mm and 15mm:<br>
Finally, this site has tons of free wargames rules you can download and try out. Some are quite good:<br>
Hope that helps.<br>
Los <p></p><i></i>

aka Carlos Lourenco
I'm getting into the 10mm figures, I think it should make for some impressive looking battles. Here are the figures I'm using:<br>
Here is a yahoo group and rules for Ancient Masters, based on Warhammer's 10mm warmaster game.<br>
Here is a good thread on the above group on how to set up a legion:<br>
FYI There are some painted 10mm Romans and cartaginians up on ebay in case you want to augment your forces. They are bids number:<br>
Los <p></p><i></i>

aka Carlos Lourenco
Thanks for the imput, guys. Ancient wargaming is a newer interest of mine, I mostly did Napoleonic stuff, so I don't really know about what's out there. I'll definitely check those links.<br>
By cohort, I meant sub-units. Right now I'm looking for a tactical game, and from what I've read DBM and DBA seem to have you controling entire armies rather than individual units. Not that I don't like a stategical game, I am just presently looking for a tactical one. Thanks again. <p></p><i></i>
I agree. My tastes too are at the Cohort level and below. Only because for my own enjoyment I prefer an ancients miniatures battle to have a massed look about them. Smaller scale figs (6mm-10mm) allow you to paint enough guys to give you that. I guess it's one of the reasons I never got too much into DBA. Of course this has damned me to lots and lots of painting, (And yeesh that's HARD on the eyes!)<br>
p.s. here's a nice site with good ancients links:<br>
<br> <p></p><i></i>

aka Carlos Lourenco
I looked into Classical Hack and it looks like the type of game I'm looking for. I like games that don't just give you modifiers for historical formations (Roman lines get +2 or whatever), but work out so that Roman lines will win because of their inherent superiority. And yes, I like the look of massed troops too. Games that say these four troops on a stand represent half a legion aren't nearly as appealing as big formations.<br>
Your collection is, shall we say, extensive. You must be practically blind of painting all those little troops! Very impressive, though, I am duly jealous. <p></p><i></i>
An excellent yahoo group for ancient wargaming that is not specific to any particular set of rules is ancmed -<br>
Discussion of rules, history, figures, painting, scenery, anything else.... <p></p><i></i>

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