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My Late Roman Belt
Aitor Iriarte:

Thanks for your response and information! :-) )

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My pleasure, Sven! Big Grin

It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner

Beautiful work!

Quick question, under the green heart shape leather piece, did you stich the belt end to the top/outside face of the belt, or is the main belt leather slit as well, with the belt end being sewn to the inside/underside of the belt and feeding through both the main belt *and* the heart shape piece? If that sounds like a silly question, sorry! I'm new to these later period belts, so I want to get it right if I try one myself. It looks like you sewed it to the outside of the belt and then just covered it with the heart shape peice, but again, want to be sure...

Also, do you have any documentation which shows how long the belt end is supposed to be? I don't see the reason (besides fashion) for why the belt would be so long that you had to loop it under the belt several times.


Gaius Aquilius Britannicus
aka. Todd Searls
Thanks Britannicus,

The tounge does pass through the main body of the belt also. I done this first, and did not like the look of it. That is why I sewed the heart shaped piece to cover it up and hide the rivets holding the tounge in place.

The only documentation I have is I remember seeing an original mosaic/painting once that showed the tounge wrapped around the main body of the belt. Sorry I cannot remember where I saw that.
"...quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."

a.k.a. Paul M.
Iconographical sources for the strap tucked round the main belt:
Headless porphyry statue at the Archbishopal Museum (Ravenna, Italy)
Great Hunt mosaic (Piazza Armerina, Sicily)

It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
I was without power after an icestorm hit us last week, else I would have responded sooner.

Thanks for the response guys. I think this holiday season I just might try my hand at this.


Gaius Aquilius Britannicus
aka. Todd Searls

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