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Roma Victor
Hello Roman Army Talk mates! I like these boards already, so full of fun facts and roleplay. Who likes 180 AD Caledonia? *raises hand* It was only a matter of time before a Roma Victor player found Roman Army Talk or vice versa. So without further a-do, here is something I want to introduce to those dedicated reenactors out there: [url:20h1cry2][/url]

Have a look at the website and share what you think. It’s an ultra-realistic first-person game. Persistent world, one-time fee, and you can ask for a refund if you find you don't like it. We're talking open sandbox, harsh death penalties, survival of the fittest.

If anyone decides to join, there are 3 major auxiliaries/legions in town. The one I’m in, Legio XVIII, is the most belligerent. Do NOT join PI or Legio XXIX, they’re interested in defence, join us Tongue . The legions are basically autonomous since the Imperial storyline doesn’t begin until May.
aka Colin Rutherford
Hi Colin,
I received a review copy/account of the game last week and already took a peek. Interesting, but I'll reserve my opinion for the review in Ancient Warfare magazine. Big Grin

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Hi Jasper,

What a coincidence! Were you in Corstopitum?

Oh yeah, forgot to add a link to the guild's website for those Roman hobbyists interested Big Grin


To be a short Roman like me, keep Muscle low, Agility max, Stamina max (for other reasons) during character creation. Then the scutum will almost completely cover you.
aka Colin Rutherford
Hi Colin,
Yes I was. Trying to do the tutorial/ master tasks. Somewhat frustrating I have to say...

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Hi Jasper,

Oh those Herculean tasks, tell me about it! Nobody does them as a new person. They're VERY frustrating and pointless, especially since the player starts with no skills. 99% of players sidestep them by getting the elected magistrate named Augir to remove the Attending title. To do this, one posts in the Roman forums under 'Deattending Romans' and the title is removed within a day. Then let the real game begin!
aka Colin Rutherford
Exactly. And badly thought out too. You have to walk for 15 minutes to try and find a forest and when you get there and start your firewood gathering, you get 'If you had the gathering skill...' But if you want it, you need to walk all the flipping way back to town, find the rudding trainer - not always easy even with a map - train and then go all the way back... :roll:

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Sounds kind of lame. I HATE slow movement rates in games. Makes me wonder what else I could be doing with my time.
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Yes there's a lot of things that play SO slow right now! Surely they will get spiced up, big update in May. So many of the good features are not reachable by new people. That's a sad fact for now. Anyways, if you'd like to join our semi-auxiliary temporarily, I went ahead and got an eager okay from our representative. We really need more people to just help us train right now, even if it's purely a visit. His name is Vlad, also Felix, Tbohner, Augir/Augirus or any Roman around Corstopitum can direct you to Vlad.
aka Colin Rutherford
Hi Colin,
I know a big update is coming up. I think I'll postpone writing my review until then. It'll mean that it'll have to appear in the second issue, but that's ok.
I'll look for Vlad in the game. Big Grin

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine

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