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Belgae Celtic Impression

For some time now I have been slowly putting together a kit for my Belgae celtic impression.
Specific objects are proving hard to find information on, the period being the Gallic Wars.

If anybody has any info or pics on fibula and swords specific to this culture and period I would be most appreciative.

Thanks in advance
Hi Andy.

Belgae interests me very much tribe. That why? Vallus dared because of that my surname Treveri my ancestors received it in a Celtic tribe BC 70 - ben*. Treveri is Belgae member presumably though. The best fighters were the Belgian ones. Treveri got the Gaulish ones' best cavalry, and they were the best breeders. Alesiai before a battle Treveriek they withdrew from the Roman army and they switched to Vercingetorix side. The price of the betrayal was big.
Vallus István Big Grin <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt="Big Grin" title="Very Happy" />Big Grin

A sagittis Hungarorum, libera nos Domine
I see it in that manner many people did not speak to the topic. I would carry on with it then well. Belgae Celtic tribes belonging to a group kept it the longest their Celtic identity. They resided in little villages in wooded swampy valleys which can be roamed difficultly, was only an exit. They first ones used the wagon encampment for protection between in a semicircle.
Vallus István Big Grin <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt="Big Grin" title="Very Happy" />Big Grin

A sagittis Hungarorum, libera nos Domine
Andy sorry I missed this request for sword info. I have more pics of Celtic swords than Roman Confusedhock: ,only one snag the ones I have most are 5BC-2BC. However I have some from the Saone area.The book is in French and it does not date the finds Sad lol: When I am on the scanner next I can send you the info if you want it Big Grin
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
Woe Ye The Vanquished
                     Brennvs 390 BC
When you have all this why do you envy our mud huts
Centvrio Princeps Brennivs COH I Dacorivm (Roma Antiqvia)
Hello Tony,

That would be fantastic!

regards Andy
Quote:Andy sorry I missed this request for sword info. I have more pics of Celtic swords than Roman Confusedhock: ,only one snag the ones I have most are 5BC-2BC. However I have some from the Saone area.The book is in French and it does not date the finds Sad lol: When I am on the scanner next I can send you the info if you want it Big Grin
Regards Brennivs Big Grin

Hi Tony

What is the "French " book please?

Conal Moran

Do or do not, there is no try!
Andy if you can pm me your email I will send Big Grin
Conal the book is
"du silex a la poudre 4000 ans d'armementen val de saone exposition 1990-1991".
It is an excellently illistrated book some beautiful swords ect with the exqisit craftmanship of the Celtic culture Big Grin The book continues up to the 16th century AD.
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
Woe Ye The Vanquished
                     Brennvs 390 BC
When you have all this why do you envy our mud huts
Centvrio Princeps Brennivs COH I Dacorivm (Roma Antiqvia)
Quote:Andy if you can pm me your email I will send Big Grin
Conal the book is
"du silex a la poudre 4000 ans d'armementen val de saone exposition 1990-1991".
It is an excellently illistrated book some beautiful swords ect with the exqisit craftmanship of the Celtic culture Big Grin The book continues up to the 16th century AD.
Regards Brennivs Big Grin

Got it ordered, should have it in 10 days ...thanks Big Grin
Conal Moran

Do or do not, there is no try!
Conal enjoy and tell me what you think Big Grin
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
Woe Ye The Vanquished
                     Brennvs 390 BC
When you have all this why do you envy our mud huts
Centvrio Princeps Brennivs COH I Dacorivm (Roma Antiqvia)
Arrived today Big Grin

Its got some great stuff in it ... thaks for the heads up Big Grin D

I've got the Navarro & Plenier's Celtic sword book so this a useful adjunct!!!
Conal Moran

Do or do not, there is no try!
A big thank you Tony for the pictures. They are marvelous and I appreciate the time taken to scan and email. They are certainly helpful and hopefully I will also be able to share this knowledge with others as you have done me. Big Grin

Thank you
No problem any time Big Grin
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
Woe Ye The Vanquished
                     Brennvs 390 BC
When you have all this why do you envy our mud huts
Centvrio Princeps Brennivs COH I Dacorivm (Roma Antiqvia)
The book sounds very interesting...I will check it out: thanks
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