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Question about curved arms
The arms of your machine are so critical, you should do whatever you can to make them safe, and even if the costs are terribly high, you may want to "bit the bullet".

Maybe you can work a deal with the wood folks, maybe they can help promote their store with photos of your machine? Or you can laminate some cheaper hardwoods? Or find a source in a neighboring country you can afford?

See what kinds of local hardwoods might be available to you, since ash seems so rare there.
Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica
Thank you all for many good ideas, I'll try them out. I think I'll go with the laminated arms, steel(not a correct solution but it goes if I can't find any other ways- I think it's safest) or ash if possible.
Juuso Laasonen
It is a shame you live in finland I could have picked up a few pieces on my coppicen day out.
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
Woe Ye The Vanquished
                     Brennvs 390 BC
When you have all this why do you envy our mud huts
Centvrio Princeps Brennivs COH I Dacorivm (Roma Antiqvia)

I do know one traditional bow maker (meaning wooden bows) in Finland. A very, very talented guy. No promises, but let me run this by him, and see what he thinks. He may have some ideas about sourcing wood for you.
Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica
AuxArcher, if you can really ask a this bowmaker to get a source of wood for me, it would be awesome! Many thanks to you.
Juuso Laasonen
I just emailed him, telling him about your situation. He is 16, so you two are about the same age, too. As I said, he is a great guy, and I will let you know what ideas he has.

Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica
Juuso, here is a link to a Finnish web forum provided by Santtu, the guy I was telling you about. He recommends checking it out, someone there may be able to help you.

I am also emailed you Santtu's email address via a private message. Feel free to write to him, he said it was fine, and he is happy to try helping you out.

Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica

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