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Gonna be a great Christmas!
I just found out that my wife ordered me Deepeeka's Limited Edition Silver Inlaid Pugio for Christmas!

It was supposed to be a surprise, but i was on the computer checking the email and saw the conformation and tracking number from Mingloo. :oops:

I still can't see it until Christmas tho. Cry

I guess i'll have to get her somthing extra special this year. Big Grin

Marcus Petronius Maius
Bill Lund
Yikes...that is a kingly gift indeed!
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Quote:I guess i'll have to get her somthing extra special this year. Big Grin


Yeah an iron or food processor always goes down well :wink: :lol:

I never get surprises for christmas, I have to write a list of demands.. sorry I mean "ideas". Lucky you!
Kat x

~We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars~
Hey Bill, maybe she ultimately wanted it for herself, a bit like when you gave her that pool table for her birthday :lol:
Lochinvar/Ewan Carmichael
I'm thinking more like a diamond necklace, or at least earrings.

I already tried the food processor route, years ago. Doesn't do much for the relationship, honest.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
I'd much rather a food processor than a diamond necklace. Totally useless and incredibly overpriced.... or better yet computer games.... or models... or other toys. Jewelery is no fun. :o
-Christy Beall
Are you hinting, Christy?

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
#8 must be one of a kind! If I bought my wife models or games, I thinkI would be seeking a surgeon shortly after she opened them! Or she would be chasing me around the house with my duty weapon! Yikes! lol
Titvs Calidivs Agricola
Wes Olson

Twas a woman that drove me to drink, and I never thanked her. W.C. Fields
Quote:Are you hinting, Christy?

Thats a good one Jasper! :lol:
Remarks by Philip on the Athenian Leaders:
Philip said that the Athenians were like the bust of Hermes: all mouth and dick. 
What ever you do... don't buy your good lady a set of kitchen knives! You may end up wearing them in your chest! Confusedhock:
Quote:I just found out that my wife ordered me Deepeeka's Limited Edition Silver Inlaid Pugio for Christmas!

Lucky, lucky you!! Big Grin

As for getting her something special, better be on the lookout for subtle hints on what she would like ... and a nice dinner out with flowers and candles never goes amiss.
Sara T.
RAT Rules for Posting

Courage is found in unlikely places. [size=75:2xx5no0x] ~J.R.R Tolkien[/size]
Quote:Are you hinting, Christy?

Heh. Like you didn't already know... or maybe I should just keep all your birthday presents for myself, eh? :twisted:

Getting that dagger is pretty awesome though. I'm no reenactor, but I've been eyeing it just for it's beauty and complexity... but since neither of us reenact, can't really justify it. Otherwise, probably would have to have bought it immediately.
-Christy Beall
I'm looking forward to seeing your dagger Bill. Now I can look at one close up with out having to fork out the $$ or find a new wife who would buy me one.
Renius/Greg German
Legio VI FFC
Quote:What ever you do... don't buy your good lady a set of kitchen knives! You may end up wearing them in your chest! Confusedhock:
In Holland we have a custom that if someone gives you a knive, you have to give some small cash in return; then it's not a gift anymore, but you have bought it, and it won't cut the friendship. Once, someone gave a knife to Queen Juliana, who had to ask money from one of her attendants, because a queen of course has no wallet. :wink:
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Quote:I'd much rather a food processor than a diamond necklace. Totally useless and incredibly overpriced.... or better yet computer games.... or models... or other toys. Jewelery is no fun. :o

I'll second that Christy! Gimme a computer game anyday :lol:
Kat x

~We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars~

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