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Unusual cavalry standard?
Brittanicus, if I look at the picture well, it isn't FOES in the inscription but EQES for eq(u)es or rider. Sometimes a ranker like a signifer or other doesn't mention his rank in the inscription because it would be obvious from the image of his portrait. Now in this case it's a bit difficult for us to be certain, but perhaps his contemporaries wouldn't have had any problem interpreting him as a signifer.<br>
Hans <p></p><i></i>
Flandria me genuit, tenet nunc Roma
It happened more. I'll have to look for it, but I'm sure there are signifers in the images that are not in the text. Sloppily put, but you gather my drift.<br>
I emailed Corinium museum. No problem getting their permission to use the photos in the imagebase. Yay! <p>Greets<br>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Hansul and Jasper,<br>
Many thanks- especially for helping me with my reading of Latin inscriptions! FOES for EQES...d'oh!<br>
Paulus <p></p><i></i>
i believe that many 'gravestones' dont state in the text the apparent rank/duty of the deceased.<br>
that ranks are somtimes implied by additional imagery<br>
which makes a study of text alone problematic<br>
<p><img src="
" width="100" height="100" align="right">
Absolutely. Trouble is: additional imagery is not always simple to interpret. <p>Greets<br>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
But because comparison is one of the best tools for interpretation, we started the imagebase. And now Genialis is in it with complete transcription and translation. <p>Greets<br>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
That is a very interesting standard.<br>
But more intersting I find is the fact that the cavalry soldier is wearing his parade helemt in battle. This seems to support I.P STEPHENSON in his book "Roman Cavalry Equipment" where he formulates a good arguement as to why the parade helemts would have been worn in battle.<br>
(his arguement is based on the fact that vision would not be hindered any more than say a medievil knight would have been, and that the fear/ intimidation that cavalry relied heavily on in a charge would be greatly enhanced by the "faceless" helmets.)<br>
The more "bling" the soldier had the more threatening they looked. Especially against some bare skined barbarian...... <p></p><i></i>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>I.P STEPHENSON formulates a good argument as to why the parade helmets would have been worn in battle.<hr><br>
Stephenson/Dixon (let's not forget Dixon) say that every cavalryman wore a sports helmet for battle and an open-face helmet the rest of the time.<br>
But on tombstones showing the cavalryman in action, he is never wearing a sports helmet. Why? <p></p><i></i>
** Vincula/Lucy **
the depiction of a cavalryman possibly wearing a parade helmet on his 'tombstone' does not necessarily support the idea that parade helmets were worn in battle.<br>
the depiction can be as easily explained as the soldier being depicted in his best kit- this can also be seen with infantry figures.<br>
comparison can be made between figures on tombstones and battle scenes depicted on monuments<br>
<p><img src="
" width="100" height="100" align="right">
"But on tombstones showing the cavalryman in action, he is never wearing a sports helmet. Why? "<br>
Good point, however a counter arguement could be that the tombstones were simply depicting the deceased cavalry mans face, hence using the open style "patrol" helmets. A sort of heroic depiction of the deceased in battle. Not necessarily a true depiction of the battle dress.<br>
This lone tombstone may in fact be an example that goes against this tradition, showing the actual battle order of dress......<br>
"But on tombstones showing the cavalryman in action, he is never wearing a sports helmet. Why? "<br>
Good point, however a counter argument could simply be that the tradition of the period was to show the deceased with his face while depicting him in battle. A kind of personal heroic epitaph.<br>
The actual battle dress with the parade helmet may just not have been put in these tombstones for that reason. This lone example may in fact be a change in this tradition and show the true order of dress for battle.....<br>
<img src="" style="border:0;"/><br>
Another possibility is that several of the depictions DO show parade or masked helmets,but these appear as bare headed as originally they would have been painted.<br>
One example (not a gravestone, but from the Adamklissi Tropaeum) is shown above. It is odd (also remarked on by Goldsworthy) that here is a cavalryman in battle, with a mail shirt, well caparisoned horse (possibly with a chamfron), but no helmet on the rider. I suggest that the swept back hair may indicate a full face "parade" helmet, which would have originally been painted on. Your thoughts?<br>
Sorry, image didn't work. The link is at<br>
Paulus <p></p><i></i>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>This lone example ...<hr><br>
What lone example?<br>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>The tradition of the period was to show the deceased with his face while depicting him in battle.<hr><br>
So how does this prove that he usually wore a sports helmet?! <p></p><i></i>
** Vincula/Lucy **
Uhm, guys, lots of standardbearers wear/show off ceremonial helmets (Gaius Valerius Secundus, Genialis, Quintus Luccius Faustus). And some of the cavalrymen at least do clearly show their helmets (i.e. Caius Romanius Capito, Annauso, Longinus). <p>Greets<br>

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine

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