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Pugio from Princeton
I had called my project ” Pugio from (Köln, Nijmegen, and Princeton )” I kept on the information given here
But Jurjen Draaisma corrected me that it is pugio from Princeton.
A year ago I saw this pugio Princeton model. I liked it very much ! I do not know why ..there is something in it ..!
And I decided to do it (аccording to my abilities and skills) of cours. As far as I know no one ever has re-constructed this model !?
Unfortunately, the image resolution is low and most details are not well visible.
If someone have a better quality pictures of this model !I'll be very grateful if he shared them with me,so I can do it with more detail. Of course it is very difficult to be imitate the genius of the ancient master.
Jurjen Draaisma share a good picture (for which I thank him) but it is not in enough details also.
The black color is obtained from the oxidation of iron because of the strong heating (to the red) in welding. I decided to leave it like this black. I polished only the brass parts. So like that I can get closer to the original .. I think !?
I have to say that without the help of my brother Jordan, I could not finish this project! He have knowledge in technology and materials in which I do not have so big experience.

[Image: 019cad453fb9.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Greatest difficulty for me was riveting -cups and filling them with the red paste glaze. Cups-rivets are completely hollow to filled them with this red paste-glaze (For them I have to take an example of a similar model because the absence of such on original in which I work ).
As can be clearly seen brackets are welded together once continue to the back side.To prevent opening of the bracket while hard pulling. So I also put the solder on the collected brackets.

[Image: 0cd3f72bb696.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
I have made two (one for me ,one for my brother) completed pugio model from Princeton.

[Image: 1e149ea5d967.jpg]
[Image: 5fca3bcba266.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
From this picture pugio can be looked from a different angle.

[Image: 2c6adc392027.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
On preparation of Pugio from Princeton I using as a basis-Basic Pugio Dagger(AH3264P) from Deepeeka.
These are the stages of my work.I started with the dismantling of the very Pugio (AH3264P). Which served me very well! I replaced the black plastic pads with wooden ones.

[Image: ade0cb543be9.jpg]

The handle changes which I have made are only the scratching lines on the inclined plane. later on I will make a new handle for this pugio model that will look more like the original. But to start the quality reconstruction I will need a quality photos alsо.
[Image: 6ef6dafededf.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
These are twisted brass brackets that I made using pliers.Brass rings I made them also specifically for this model.

[Image: 44968f30dce5.jpg]

These are pre-prepared parts ready for welding. Тhis model of Deepeeka scabbard satisfy me as a quality for this moment. To get as close as possible to the original, I "opened a window " in the middle of Iron scabbard.I cannot see clearly (on the original published photo) whether there are other ones out "windows" applications around above and below !? Disc at the end of the scabbard I made from brass especially for this case.

[Image: 5da29ad4f0d8.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
I began to prepare accurate and correct scabbard base!Clearly shows that the width of the scabbard in the lower extension is the same as in the above basis. To make a precise impression I put wax on the scabbard to increase the thickness. I WANT TO SAY THAT THIS CONCERNS ESPECIALLY THIS MODEL!

[Image: 82979ed597cf.jpg]
So..I took a plaster imprint.This is the result! Epoxide resin model with the desired shape! Maybe all this will need to be repeated once more time to obtain more smooth forms.

[Image: 0d0009405f82t.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Here you can see on this epoxy-model that I managed to achieve similarity to the original scabbard I WANT TO SAY THAT THIS CONCERNS ESPECIALLY THIS PUGIO MODEL!

[Image: 7485bde448f0.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Beautiful and stunning workmanship !!

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

Thank you M.VIB.M. !With the realization of this (mine-creative) project ( which cost me long time work) I discover my history-reconstruction season 2012 Smile!
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Wow, impressive work, and good explanation of your work as well.
Thank you to share it with us Wink
Sebastien THIRIET

"Si vis pacem para bellum"

Blog on history (FR):
You are always welcome SCIPIO AFRICANVS!
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)

Did you forge the sheath or cast it. I am not sure why you made the model unless when you make the scabbard, you use the model to make sure that the forged sheath fits properly.
"You have to laugh at life or else what are you going to laugh at?" (Joseph Rosen)

Doc you can find answers to your questions in the detailed description of the stages of my work in my above posts.
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)

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