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Filming a Training Video.
Hey guys this is just a thought. With hearing about this history channel documentary ,it perked my interest but me being in FL .I could never get up there in time with out killing my wallet.But was wondering if there was anyone in the forum who was part of or knows a production company?I was thinking wouldn't it be great to get all of us brethren together and put on an accurate video of the individual periods of the roman army.... dipicting everything from training to marching , sleeping fighting , the works... But of course we would need somone or someway of funding it.... But i thought it would be great to toss the idea around ..see what people think.... maybe someone or some people can come up with some way of making it never know what the glory of Rome might bring...hehe well hopefully we can again toss the idea around<br>
Legate Billamus "Florida's 10th"<br>
There was a recent thread about a bunch of germans who did a route march from germany to italy. Am I correct in observing that they had a corporate sponsor? I'm not sure that I would want to carry a vexillum with some company's logo on it, but maybe there's a way. <p></p><i></i>
Salue Crastine!<br>
It's an idea that buzzs since a while on RAT, nothing of solid yet, even if I think that someone is working on it... The problem is very that: finding the money, keeping save the indipendence of the idea and the original screenplay from the producers' claws.<br>
Making the producers conscious of the importance of the accuracy in EVERY detail of equipment, combat and scenarios, without ignoring the consultancy or modifying the suggestions of the REAL experts, it's difficult. Making them to understand that a high quality product can finally cost like a "fancy" one (or less) is difficult. Making the producers to understand that the public finally LOVES accuracy and truth, is difficult.<br>
The producers, about the roman era movies and documentaries, think that low quality stuff is more fit to the ignorant public of today. Altough, I'm sure that giving "pearls to the pigs" can transform a good part of those pigs, if not to eagles, at least to seagulls...<br>
TITVS/Daniele Sabatini

... Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget Gens Aurea mundo,
casta faue Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo ...

Vergilius, Bucolicae, ecloga IV, 4-10
[Image: PRIMANI_ban2.gif]
IInd Augusta did have a trainng Video at one time. However with digital technology it is possible to produce very professional results. See the film " Open Water" . There is also a chap who has made a full history of Middlesburgh with reenactments computer reconstructions and music all within an amateur budget which was reported as being more popular than the Holywood productions at the local multiplex. We are also of course seeing a general resurgence of the documentary Michael Moore et al. Maybe we can make a happy marriage between a local video and a local reenactment society. <p></p><i></i>
Quod imperatum fuerit facimus et ad omnem tesseram parati erimus

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