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Pacific Northwest
With respect, was it the "show up", or the "get to know you" process? The closest thing I've done to this is participate in some SCA events, but I already had some friends involved. If I joined, say, Castra from Portland, I not only don't know anyone, but would only see them 1-2 times a year tops.
Take what you want, and pay for it

-Spanish proverb
Wait? Our Pacific Northwest Group is still active? I had no Idea.
Yes, alive and very active.
I cannot give a true accounting of our numbers yet as we have people trying it out. Our roster of people right now is over 20, which includes Celts, Gauls, Greeks, Goths, Picts, and of course Romans.
We plan on at least 8 display events next year. This year we earned some stipend money and hope to get some Lottery Funds to get us more equipment to expand with. We also have boffer gear to teach children how to fight the Roman way.

That is okay. Everyone goes what they can. I have some that only come to Fort Lewis, some that only come to the Ren Fairs, and so on. Also there are opportunities to visit schools, Boy Scout events and other activities.
This is a "you put in" as much as you want hobby. I just happen to be retired, so I have plenty of time to do this (plus Boy Scouts, and other volunteer projects).
Our season starts in May and ends in October. Come contact me on Facebook under Castra Roma or Castra Ferrata and see what we are doing and if you are interested.
We do have loaner equipment for people to use.

Matthew, look at my answer below or come check us out on Facebook under Castra Ferrata or Castra Roma. The below answer I think should answer your question or you can contact me directly at [email protected]
You do Goths/Late Roman? That's cool. I've been wanting to do Late Roman for a long time but don't have the money for even my principate kit.

You should contact Rusty Myers so he can update the main site about you guys. There's like nothing left from your group.
what exactly to you mean by nothing left of the group? If 20, which has grown from 4 is nothing than I am not sure I understand the math.
Mike Daniels

Titus Minicius Parthicus

Legio VI FFC.

If not me...who?

If not now...when?
:wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:
I think he meant that the link page at LEG VI FFC back East is kind of sparse and very stale. I know Tiberius was working on getting that updated recently.
AKA: Tony L.

If anyone's in the Vancouver/Vancouver Island area, I have a group called Project Germani that is going to be working with Castra Ferrata next year. We do mainly 1st cen. AD Germanic tribesmen, but we have about 4 Romans in the group, as well as a few Celts and Dacians.
Dan Dalby

Group Leader Project Germani

Germanic Tribes of the 1st. cen. BCE to the 1st cen. CE
Quote:I think he meant that the link page at LEG VI FFC back East is kind of sparse and very stale. I know Tiberius was working on getting that updated recently.

Yes that's what I was referring to.
Legion VI, Cohort II is the Pacific Northwest Unit, I am currently serving as the Centruion and would be glad to be of any assistance.
We've formed a group down here in northern Utah, and will be attending the Ren Fair in May, if you want to come down from Boise and join us for one of the weekends.

Ralph Young
Clinton, UT
Hey I can update the Legio VI FFC Site with your new links and events if you give them to me.

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