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Members of the Legio X Equiestris/Gemina

As a member of the Legion X Gemina reenactor group in Aquincum (modern day Óbuda, Hungary), i would like to make a little research according to the tenth legion. We found three steles at the Aquincum Museum, which were made for three legionarries who died there.

They are the following:

Lucius Varius Prudens, veteran of the thenth legion. originally he was from Parma. Died at the age of 60.

Titus Magius Clemens, veteran of the thenth legion. Died at the age of 60.

Tiberius Claudius Satto, veteran of the thenth legion. originally he was from Cambodunum (modern day Kempten, Germany). Died at the age of 60.




Does anybody happen to know more members from the Xth legion?

Thanks for your help,

Attila Molnár (Appius Flavius Pistor, legionary of the Legio X Gemina Reenactors)

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Hi Attila,

Check the Pauly-Wissowa Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft band XII/2. There is a list of known officers of the legion. Well admittedly it is quite old publication (from 1925), so today we surely know more men from the legio X Gemina. Anyway, it is a good start.

You can also search for X Gemina in the Epigraphik Datenbank.

There are three inscriptions for veterans of Legio X Equestris at Patrae:

(00156 = ILGR 00045)L(ucio) Aemilio L(uci) f(ilio) Qui(rina) / cent(urioni) [l]eg(ionis) X Eq(uestris) IIvir(o) / P(ublio) Aem[ilio L(uci) f(ilio) Qui(rina)] / cent(urioni) l[eg(ionis) eiusdem

(CIL 03, 00503) C(aio) Aurelio P(ubli) f(ilio) Quir(ina) veter(ano) leg(ionis) X Eq(uestris) aedil(iciis) ornament(is)...

(CIL 03, 00508) C(aius) Vetullus M(arci) f(ilius) / Qui(rina) signifer / leg(ionis) X Equ(estris)

And one for a pair of tribunes from Pompeii:

[?L. Tilius] C. f. Cor(nelia) / [tr(ibunus) mil(itum) l]eg(ionis) X equest(ris) / duouir i(ure) d(icundo) // C. Tilio C. f. Cor(nelia) / Rufo patri duomuir(o) / i(ure) d(icundo) bis aedili i(ure) d(icundo) Arpini / auguri Verulis // C. Tilio L. f. Cor(nelia) auo // Fadiae C. f. / matri // C. Tilio C. f. C[or(nelia)] / Rufo fratri tr(ibuno) mil(itum) / leg(ionis) X auguri Verulis

There's also one from Brixia for a man from Legio X Veneria, which may have been the same unit:

(CIL 05, 04191) C(aius) Lanius / C(ai) f(ilius) Ani(ensi) de / leg(ione) X Vener(ia) C(aius) Lanius C(ai) l(ibertus) / Eros filius / de suo

The link between X Equestris and X Gemina rests largely on an inscription (AE 1934, 0152) from the forum in Rome which appears to couple the two names, although it's slightly unclear - is the EQVE in this case definitely part of the legion name, and not a separate word?:


There are plenty of inscriptions to men of X Gemina, meanwhile - just use the Datenbank link in Alexandr's post and type X GEM into 'search text 1'...
Nathan Ross

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