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The Reason Why
So let me get this right ... Canada is not in's in America ?<br>
Conal <p></p><i></i>
Pelgr003 wrote: this was the so-called "Boston tea party"<br>
Believe me, I was completely aware of these facts.<br>
Robert <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Vortigern Studies</A> at: 4/23/03 12:42:52 am<br></i>
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Yes, Canada is in <em>North America </em> <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
- Let it be known, that I have 1248 posts to date, but because the techies at Ezboard are incompetent, they no longer show up.</p><i></i>
now I'm not a sociologist, but...<br>
I think part of the reason Americans act so dumb when in europe or G.B. is that in the U.S. one can travel for days in any non-airborne mode of travel, and still be in the same country, with basically the same customs and culture. in most of europe and most other parts of the world, if one travels for a few hours, one has passed into and possibly through a completely different country.<br>
or maybe the 'ugly americans' are just dumber than a bag of hammers.<br>
Judging by the drivers I've been dealing with on the roads lately, I'm at least as likely to attribute it to sheer idiocy than any other reason.<br>
Gaius Marius Aquilus <p></p><i></i>
sorry Robert, its the teacher in me...<br>
most people forget that the Europe is composed of about 30 totally different cultures and nations. The US is only one country/ nation. That's a big difference. Over here in Europe we have <strong>real</strong> borders. <p></p><i></i>
Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
If only the Fenians had succeded when they invaded Canada .. it would be safe in Ireland !!!<br>
Anyway .... I think we who are without sin should cast the first etc etc... ask the " Continental Europeans" ( i'e non Brits ) who they would prefer ... loud uninformed Americans or good old British larger louts ??<br>
Gauis Marius, I would say your travel-for-days-without-leaving-the-country theory doesn't hold water because you can do that same in Canada and of course Canadians are sophisticated, intelligent, polite, well-informed etc., etc., etc. (not to mention modest)<br>
And yet...when it comes to driving, I would also say many Canadians are "dumber than a bag of hammers." Go figger!<br>
Wendy <p></p><i></i>
oh, that was good!<br>
Gaius Marius Aquilus <p></p><i></i>
I used to go to this dude ranch in Wyoming for cattle drives every summer. One year I couldn't go and the following year my friends there told me: "you know we had a french last year, from Paris..."<br>
I did not say anything and changed the subject because I knew what they were driving at..<br>
And everytime they brought up the subject of the Parisian that was here last summer, I changed the subject.<br>
At the end of the week, I finally answered.<br>
-"Yes, you had a Parisian in here last year and my bet is that he made a pain in the butt outta himself for the whole week".<br>
-"Oh, they answered, you can't imagine how much of a pain he was".<br>
-"Yes I can, I said. He constantly criticized everything he saw, smelled or ate, he constantly rode in the middle of the herd. He teased the lead bull and he constantly bothered his mount by holding the reins tight instead of neck reining like you're supposed to do over here... He also boasted about being an able rider.."<br>
-"Did you know him?" They asked.<br>
-"I know THEM..."I answered.<br>
We had a good laugh, that evening around campfire.<br>
The place is called the High Island ranch, BTW. Highly recommended if you don't like it too comfy.. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Antoninus Lucretius</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="http://localhost:1094/Homesteads/_1750094854/files/Cesar_triste.jpg" BORDER=0> at: 4/26/03 5:57:58 pm<br></i>
My sister married a fellow from France and she says the same thing about her in-laws. Constantly critizing everything. According to them, everything French is much superior to everything Canadian. And yet some of them immigrated here. Why???<br>
Wendy <p></p><i></i>
Uh, they became weary of superior french attitudes? <p></p><i></i>
Well, Wendy, actually a lot of Canadian french did not migrate to Canada. They were more or less "convinced" by the good king Louis the XIVth (the "Sun King"). In other words he did pretty much like what the British did later with Australia..<br>
They'd take convicts as well as orphans or even ordinary people unlucky enough to be in the way of the "recruiters", put them aboard ships, marry them along the way and that was it.<br>
Tourists are tourists. They are all alike, more or less. They are there to bring money. They're customers and the customer is king. Granted, sometimes you feel like being in need of a good revolution..<br>
A friend of mine saw a group of Swedes step out of a Scandinavian Airlines System plane in Thailand, walk directly into an air conditioned bus owned by the Radisson hotel (member of the SAS group), where they stayed, eat smorgarsbrod for dinner at the hotel's restaurant and go out at night in a club where the only Thais present were the waiters... I suppose they had a private beach as well...<br>
Try to make Italians understand that when they travel abroad they actually do not own the place and that the locals have a right to keep breathing and having QUIET conversations.. Mamma mia<br>
There's a classic french story about this very british couple showing up in an obscure hamlet deep in central France and asking the grocery-post-office-cafe owner: "Do you accept Pounds Sterling?"<br>
Try to tell the Swiss that they should keep their tidy habit of not throwing papers or empty cans everywhere, and of not parking where it's forbidden when they travel to France..<br>
And no, the fact that the French do both is NOT an excuse.<br>
And so on...<br>
Actually, I meant why did my sister's in-laws immigrate to Canada since they certainly had a choice about it. Nobody pushed them out of France.<br>
Of course, this means I am a blood relation to 2 Frenchmen--my nephews.<br>
Well Wendy there is a joke going on among the very few locals left on the french Riviera and a bit above it, on the hills, where still dwell a few aborigenes. It goes like that:<br>
"The Parisians have been coming here year after year. And year after year they criticized our ways. But still, they come back every year. That's strange.."<br>
Your sister's in-laws have a great advantage now: they can criticize Canada at lenght when there, and each time they'll go back to France they'll be able to bother the French to no end by telling them how much better life is, over there in Canada..<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Antoninus Lucretius</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="http://localhost:1094/Homesteads/_1750094854/files/Cesar_triste.jpg" BORDER=0> at: 4/28/03 11:08:07 am<br></i>
Recently I went to the US with a whole load of classmates. We had the same problem as the Americans who visit Britain (where I hail from). We also complained when things were not up to english standard, one example is the char grilling of bacon so overdone its crisp not really my cup of tea, so it is understandable when Americans complain about things over here. Personally I found the Americans to be the most polite people I have met, this could be because we were British so were treated a bit differently over there, we got lots of free food for example!<br>
i would happily go back to the US again, mainly because it is so easy to fit in over there, and the polite people and friendly atmosphere help.<br>
Skamandrios <p></p><i></i>

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