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Dear Fabiano,

Here's a brief bibliography on the Eteocretans and Praisos (their main town):

Bosanquet, Robert C. 1902: ‘Excavations at Praesos I,’ Annual of the British School at Athens 8 [1901-02]: 231-70.

Duhoux, Yves 1982. L’Étéocretois: Les Textes – La Langue. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben.

Forster, E.S. 1902: ‘Praesos: The Terracottas,’ Annual of the British School at Athens 8: 271-81.

Forster, E.S. 1905: ‘Terracotta Plaques from Praesos,’ Annual of the British School at Athens 11: 243-57.

Halbherr, Frederico 1901: ‘Cretan Expedition XVI: Report on the Researches at Praesos,’ American Journal of Archaeology n.s.5: 371-92.

Whitley, James 1992: ‘Praisos,’ in J. W. Myers, E.E. Myers and G. Cadogan (eds) The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete, 256-61. Berkeley and Los Angeles: The University of California Press.

Whitley, James 1998: ‘From Minoans to Eteocretans: The Praisos Region 1200-500 B.C.’ in W.G. Cavanagh, M. Curtis, J.N. Coldstream and A.W. Johnston (eds), Post-Minoan Crete: Proceedings of the First Colloquium, 27-39. (BSA Studies Series 2). London: British School at Athens.

Whitley, James, Kieran O’Conor, and Howard Mason 1995: ‘Praisos III: A Report on the Architectural Survey Undertaken in 1992’, Annual of the British School at Athens 90: 405-28.

Whitley, James, Mieke Prent, and Stuart Thorne 1999: ‘Praisos IV: A Preliminary Report on the 1993 and 1994 Survey Seasons,’ Annual of the British School at Athens 94: 215-64.

Also take a look at the official site of the Praisos Project (where I work by the way): [url:16ol1jwd][/url]
Ioannis Georganas, PhD
Secretary and Newsletter Editor
The Society of Ancient Military Historians


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Etheocretans - by taira1180 - 12-29-2006, 10:15 AM
Re: Etheocretans - by Ioannis - 12-29-2006, 10:47 AM
Re: Etheocretans - by taira1180 - 12-29-2006, 12:36 PM

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