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Leather Guide for Thickness VS Ounces
Remember though that this scale is an approximation because weight is dependent on density not thickness, so don't take these numbers as absolutes.

Also it's important to realize that there can be significant differences between the weight vs. thickness and durability of leather depending on how the skin is tanned- veg-tanned, chrome-tanned, alum-tanned, etc. The former is usually the toughest and best choice, but it's also by far the most expensive. Unless your group has a rule against using other than veg-tanned leather, it's perfectly functional and looks okay as long as you properly color the edges (which will be very light compared to the faces). It is generally a bit less-durable, more flexible, and cheaper, but you can't tool it.

If you're shopping around for leather, remember that sometimes leather is coated with a synthetic material to give it a uniform, clean surface that is water-resistent and colored- while this can be removed, it's a big pain only worth doing if you get a SUPER deal I'd think. You really want a 'naked' hide (no coatings), that's top grain (epidermis side intact), not a 'split' or a 'suede'.
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Messages In This Thread
Re: Leather Guide for Thickness VS Ounces - by Matt Lukes - 05-22-2007, 03:01 AM

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