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Painting in 1/72 Scale??
I use about 2 to 3 different size brushes.
I dont know if the size reference is the same were you live but here it goes

One for giving the undercoat (or use a spray can) i usually prefer black, but white is also ok. - size 0

The other one for giving the basecoat, paint the skin, clothing etc etc - size 00

The last one for fine detail - size 000

As for painting/basing itself this is what i do.

I use metal washers for the miniatures, it gives them more weight
So fist of all i place a bit of masking tape over the hole of the washer.
I then glue the miniature with white glue over the "masked" washer.
Paint glue over the base and flock it, wait till it drys, and paint glue again over the base.
After it drys i paint the miniature with glue. after it drys i get a bunch of miniatures at the same stage and spray it black.
I drybrush a dark brown over the base(since i flocked it it has now a grainy texture) i drybrush more two times with lighter shades of brown.
Sice the base is done i start with the miniature.
For the legionaire i would recommend to start first with the skin and tunic.
Paint the skin and the tunic, then i use inks wich are highly pigmented paint that is quite liquid it will build depth on the mini.
Next highlight the inked areas by drybrushing in a lighter color, after it pic up the more raised areas with a even lighter color.
Do the armor next just paint it with a metal color, ink the armor with armor ink or black ink, but be carefull not to allow this ink to spread to the other areas.
Paint any other details that you want, scabbards, caligae, eye (a simple black dot will be enough)
After all the paint is done i use black or brown ink to paint thin lines in places where the paint changes color (ex: beetween the tunic and the armor, beetween face and helmet, beetween sword and hand, etc etc) it will give out more contrast.

Do the shield separately, stick it on a tooth pick or similar and paint the shield. The Esci shields have a hole in the middle so you might want to fill that up with green stuff or similar so it looks like a shield boss.
After that glue the shield to the miniatures hand.

After the mini is done paint white glue diluted in water over it, now be carefull that the white glue might accumulate in certain areas (ex: beetween the legs) if that happens just blow over it .

After the glue dries the miniature will look more shinny. I now place dots of white glue (normal not diluted) in the base and place static grass on it.
After its all dry the miniature is done.

Hope it helps

PS: Another site you might want to check out is this one

Messages In This Thread
Re: Painting in 1/72 Scale?? - by Muzzaguchi - 05-23-2007, 08:27 AM
Re: Painting in 1/72 Scale?? - by Lusitano - 05-23-2007, 10:37 AM
Re: Painting in 1/72 Scale?? - by Lusitano - 05-23-2007, 11:36 AM
Re: Painting in 1/72 Scale?? - by Muzzaguchi - 05-23-2007, 09:56 PM
Re: Painting in 1/72 Scale?? - by Lusitano - 05-30-2007, 10:38 AM

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