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Make a ftp server from own proper home PC
Need you to exchange articles, mp3, etc, with a friend or a group of people, the more simple system is to have a ftp with user/password for each user, but you don't have a fixed ip like most part of PC which go in internet using a provider with private contract, or you dont want risk to create visible directory for the entire WWW?

Now you can make you private ftp.

What is necessary:

download the free program hamachi ( )
download the free program filezilla (server version) (search on google)
Have a good connection (56 modem aren't ideal for download/upload)
Have the HD space necessary for the data you want exchange (obvious)


1 - install hamachi (on the hamachi site you find all the instructions); hamachi permits to create a private virtual lan ,assigning a virtual ip to each installation (is a VPN with p2p protocol)

2 - Create one or more lan, send the password for the connection to lan to your friend (he also must install hamachi). You will see the user logged to your lan. NB: with the free version of hamachi only 14 user can be logged to the same LAN but you can create more than a lan.

3 - Install filezilla server

4 - make the necessary configuration for a ftp server (choice the root directory and the directories with the data you want pass, set the permessions (read, write,etc), create users with the passwords); you find the instructions for filezilla in internet.

5 - verify your firewall or ip blocker dont blocks the port 21 for the ftp protocols; if yes create a permit rule for the hamachi ip's of you friends.

6 - send to your friend his ftp user and password

7 - your friend must use a ftp client (ex. WS_FTP, or filezilla client, or directly IE) setting the your hamachi ip how connectio address: example if you address is in IE navigation bar you must write ftp:\\\\, after the login mask appears, the friend must make logon and voilà: he can see you choiced files directories with the possibility to make download or upload (if you amke this setting).

Your ftp will be visible only to people connected to your hamachi lan.
"Each historical fact needs to be considered, insofar as possible, no with hindsight and following abstract universal principles, but in the context of own proper age and environment" Aldo A. Settia

a.k.a Davide Dall\'Angelo

SISMA- Società Italiana per gli Studi Militari Antichi

Messages In This Thread
Make a ftp server from own proper home PC - by Mitra - 05-30-2007, 03:36 PM

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