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Most disastrous Roman Military Defeats
The famous Sapor's inscription at Nasq-I-Rustam speaks of a 60.000 strong army being destroyed at Barbalissos. I think however it should be translated as "defeated". The numbers may also have been "sexed up".<br>
Scholars are not quite sure yet whether this inscription refers to one or two campaigns by the Persians.<br>
I found the inscription lying in the depths of RAT. Here it is again. It's a beautiful text.<br>
"I, worshipper of Mazda, the god Shapour, king of kings of Iranians and non-iranians, from the race of the gods, son of Mazda's worshipper the god Ardashir, king of kings of the Iranians, from the race of the gods, grandson of Papak, king.<br>
Of the Iranian Empire I am the lord."<br>
"And I possess the following coutries: Persia, Parthia, Susiana, Mesenia, Asôrestân, Adiabene, Arabia, Atropatenia, Armenia, Georgia, Makhelonia, Albania, Balâsagân all the way to the Caucasus and the Albanian Gates, and the whole Elbrouz range, Media, Hyrcania, Margiana, Ariana and all the highlands: Carmania, Sakhastenia, Turan, Moukrân, Paradenia, Sind and the land of the Kuchans all the way to the Paskibur and the confines of Kachgaria, Soigdiana and Tachkent and, on the other side of the sea, the Omân. And we gave to a fiefdom(?) the name of Peroz-Shapour (Victory of Shapour) and we gave a name to Hormizd-Ardashir. And we reduced the satraps and kings of these numerous lands to tributaries and subjects."<br>
"Soon as we were established in the Empire, the Caesar Gordian levied in all the Roman Empire an army of Goths and Germans and marched on Asôrestân, against the Empire of Iran and ourselves".<br>
"And on the confines of Asôrestân, at Misikhè, there was a great battle. And the Caesar Gordian died and we annihilated the roman army. And the Romans hailed Philip as Caesar. And the Caesar Philip paid five hundred thousand denarii as ransom for their (the Romans) lives and became our tributary"<br>
"For that reason we have renamed Misikhé Peroz-Shapour".<br>
"And the Caesar again lied (This Caesar was Trebonianus Gallus, Emperor from 251 to 253 AD) and did wrong to Armenia. And we attacked the Roman Empire and annihilated at Barbalissos (252 AD) an army of sixty thousand. And Syria and its countryside we set afire and looted. And during that single campaign we conquered over the Roman Empire the following places and lands: The city of Anatya and the flatlands (Fields?) , Birtha of Arupân and the flatlands, Birtha of Aspôrak and the flatlands, the city of Soura and the flatlands, Barbalissos, Hierapolis, Berroia, Chaclis, Apamea, Rephania, Zeugma, Ourima, Gindaros, Armenaza, Seleucia, Antioch, Cyrrhe, another city in Seleucia, Alexandretta, Nicopolis, Sinzara, Hama, Aristè, Dikhôr, Dolikhè, Dura, Circusium, Germanikeia, Batyna, Kanar. And in Cappadocia: Satala, Domana, Artangil, Souisa, Soudia, Phreata, a total of thirty seven cities and their flatlands."<br>
"During the third campaign, as we attacked Carrhae and Edessa and were laying siege to Carrhae and Edessa, the Caesar Valerian marched against with troops from Germania, Raethia, Noricum, Dacia, Pannonia, Mysia, Istria, Spain, Mauretania, Thrace, Bythinia, Asia, Pamphylia, Isauria, Lycaonia, Galatia, Lycia, Cilicia, Cappadocia, Phrygia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Arabia, Mauretania, Germania, Lydia, Asia, Mesopotamia. A seventy thousand strong army. And Beyond Carrhae and Edessa there was a great battle with the Caesar Valerian. And the Caesar Valerian we captured ourselves with our own hands; and the other leaders of that army: Pretorian prefect, senators and officers, all we captured them and deported them to Persia. And Syria, Cilicia and Cappadocia we laid waiste, set afire and looted."<br>
"In that third campaign we conquered over the Roman Empire: the city of Samosate and the flatlands, Alexandretta, Kabalos, Aigeai, Mopsueste, Mallos, Adana, Tarse, Augusta, Zephyrion, Sebastea, Korykos, Anazarbe, Kastabala, Neronias, Flavias, Nicopolis, Epiphanea, Kelendris, Anemourion, Selinous, Myônpolis, Antioch, Seleucia, Domitiopolis, Tyane, Cesarea, Comana, Kybistra, Sebastea, Barata, Rajhoundia, Laranda, Iconion. A total of thirty six cities and their flatlands."<br>
"And some of the men taken from the Roman Empire, over the Non-Iranians, we sent into deportation. And we settled them in our Empire of Iran, in Persia, in Parthia, In Susiana and in Asôrestân. And in each land where our ancestors, grands fathers and fathers had domains, there we settled them."<br>
"And we sought (in order to fight them) many other nations and we earned a great reputation of bravery, (things) we have not carved here, besides all the preceedings. We ordered it would be carved, in order for those that will come after us to recognize this reputation, this bravery and this power".<br>
Impressive isn't it?<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Antoninus Lucretius</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="http://localhost:1094/Homesteads/_1750094854/files/Cesar_triste.jpg" BORDER=0> at: 2/3/04 4:19 pm<br></i>

Messages In This Thread
Most disastrous Roman Military Defeats - by Anonymous - 01-27-2004, 01:44 AM
Re: Most disastrous Roman Military Defeats - by Anonymous - 01-27-2004, 02:30 AM
Re: Most disastrous Roman Military Defeats - by Anonymous - 01-27-2004, 02:39 AM
supposedly - by Goffredo - 01-27-2004, 07:34 AM
Re: supposedly - by Anonymous - 01-27-2004, 12:13 PM
propaganda - by Goffredo - 01-27-2004, 12:48 PM
Re: propaganda - by Anonymous - 02-03-2004, 03:05 PM
Re: propaganda - by Anonymous - 02-03-2004, 03:22 PM
Re: propaganda - by Anonymous - 02-03-2004, 04:14 PM
Re: Greatest Roman Military defeat - by taira1180 - 08-09-2007, 09:48 AM

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