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excuse me hello kitty officer
What works in Thailand, is what works in Thailand.

Now that I am retired, and did not pursue getting my Reserve Officer commission renewed, I can tell all...

Here, in the southwest, officers who are are on the wrong side of the Chief or Sheriff, and are to be humiliated are made Community Policing Officers. Community Policing is a 1980s concept that the "Police get in touch with the community they serve by interaction and communication." Sound good on campus. But, in real life, yea, whatever. Remember, Chiefs are mostly political appointees, and Sheriffs are elected. Policing in the US is very political. This means the Community Policing Officer is a PR fall guy. Neighborhoods with a high crime rate who actually need active intervention, rarely attend community meeting strictly out of a very real fear of retaliation. Low crime and affluent neighborhoods pack these meeting with trivial complaints: "Some dog did wee-wee in MY yard!", and "Seven years ago I got a ticket in another state, and I did not do anything!", and "I am a (friend, relative, college buddy, campaign contributor, etc.) of the (Chief, Sheriff, Mayor, etc.), and and I expect everyone to instantly drop what they are doing and...". The Community Policing Officer is berated for hours on end. He has to give "Good Citizen" presentations at the schools, which are rife with gangs and drugs. We often refered to school groups as the 'Future Felons of America", in the squad room. Talks are given at the sadistic whim of the powers that be, to tell everyone what a great job is being done by whatever pack of bums is in office at the time. I know officers who quit on the spot when assigned this task.

Ralph Izard
who was never a Community Policing Officer, and who knew best to contribute to all election campaigns, just to make sure...

Messages In This Thread
excuse me hello kitty officer - by Caius Fabius - 08-06-2007, 04:44 PM
Re: excuse me hello kitty officer - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 08-06-2007, 10:08 PM

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