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Persian horse archers
Quote:In the thread about the battle of Cunaxa there is a picture representing Persian horse archers fighting scythians. In the sources Persian cavalry is usually represented with javelins, and archers on foot, anyone knows the earliest written reference of Persian horse archers?
Herodotus says that Persian cavalry were armed like their infantry (some combination of spear, long knife (akinakes), bow, helmet, and body armour) although some seem to have used javelins instead. He also mentions horse archers at Plataea in 479 BCE. In the western empire the bow became less popular than a pair of spears (palta) by 400 BCE. However, the 10,000 survivors of Cyrus' Yauna mercenaries were harrassed by Artaxerxes' horse archers until they organized a force of slingers to shoot back (Xen, Anab. II or so).
Nullis in verba

I have not checked this forum frequently since 2013, but I hope that these old posts have some value. I now have a blog on books, swords, and the curious things humans do with them.

Messages In This Thread
Persian horse archers - by Aryaman2 - 10-03-2007, 07:15 PM
Re: Persian horse archers - by Sean Manning - 10-03-2007, 09:40 PM
Re: Persian horse archers - by hoplite14gr - 10-03-2007, 09:41 PM

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