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Good pictures of Carthaginian warships?

I believe that all you really need to find is a drawing/reconstruction of a larger Roman vessel. The Romans ripped off a beached example of a Carthaginian "Quint" to make there own. Find a drawing of a Roman five, ignore the Corvus if present, and substitute a Carthaginian prow design like the one that Dan shows above and you are there. And of course ignore any other "roman" decorations/markings.

This will work best if you go with a Republican period vessel. Although I am not aware of any major design changes made even a couple of centuries into the Empire. It will just be harder to find the pictures as the larger vessels tended to be used less and less over time.

Best Wishes in whatever your endeavor.


Mediocris Ventvs Qvod Seqvax Maris


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Should not be that hard - by zugislander - 01-13-2008, 02:15 AM

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