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Logistics of non-Roman/Greek armies
There seems to be quite a lot of published information on the Boudiccan revolt, and although there is nothing specific on the logistics of the operation, I would have thought that the evidence is there if anyone wishes to find it. For example, after the British had lost their final battle with the Romans, their line of retreat was said to have been impeded blocked by the baggage animals and camp followers - so there must have been some kind of baggage train.

Roman writers may have exaggerated the size of the British force (to mask the shame of the initial Roman defeats), though some books suggest that Boudicca's force contained around 120,000 tribesmen, of whom some 80,000 were killed. A force of that size would certainly have required some form of "logistical" system to sustain it.

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Re: Logistics of non-Roman/Greek armies - by euryalus - 02-08-2009, 07:57 PM

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