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Full blown combat or display only?
A picture from one of your events gave me the idea, perhaps something you already do John, of having a group of targets, set up to represent the opposition. There for the pila can be thrown, and then the charge can go through and destroy them.......only ones hurt by the pila and pointy
hand-helds are plywood..? Any thoughts Crispus?
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel

Messages In This Thread
Full blown combat or display only? - by Hodekin - 05-28-2008, 09:19 AM
combat how? - by richard - 05-28-2008, 09:57 AM
Re: combat how? - by Tarbicus - 05-29-2008, 05:51 PM
Re: Full blown combat or display only? - by Gaius Julius Caesar - 06-03-2008, 09:08 AM

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