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Republican Pugios
Generally the iron frame sheath is the typical Republican dagger sheath type. (Developed straight from the Celtiberian daggers, and Iberian daggers of type IV although they have round terminal expansions on the grip)

Do a search for 'Titelberg' or 'Dangstetten' daggers. I have an interesting article on the construction and re-construction of the Titelberg dagger if you want to send me a PM with your email address. There is an Iberian dagger from Tiermes that is very similar to the Titelberg example.

There has also been a find from Exeter (UK) of an iron frame sheath. I can send you a picture of that too. It goes to show that even after 43AD the frame sheath was still in use, but maybe as a 'hand-me-down'.

The frame sheath appears again in the third century albeit much enlarged. We have examples from Kunzing (DE) and Coptall Court in London.

Messages In This Thread
Republican Pugios - by Tim Mathews - 07-03-2008, 07:40 AM
Re: Republican Pugios - by Peroni - 07-03-2008, 08:23 AM

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