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About Ulfhednar (continued)
@ Redwald / Paul:

You missed it, because this is what I am mainly concerned with:

Quote:IMO it is irresponsible and quite questionable to sport the swastika on equipment shown in public at a public official event payed for by the tax payers.
... in Germany.

The amount of swastikas in your group is disputable, the arrangement of colours and symbols on the flag, etc. But that does not really change a lot about that basic argument of mine.
Even if the flag was just designed this way unintentionally, it appears to many people in Germany like loaned from one of the flags I mentioned above, and that as such is enough to stir emotions and to provoke. To me and several people I know this particular flag looks like it were designed in such a way.
I know no Roman prototype with a black background and a large swastika at the centre and four triskeles around it in each corner. Maybe you can share your knowledge about such a Roman vexillum with us, since this would be quite interesting. So far it looks like a mix of SS and Wehrmacht flags, with the colours exchanged from here to there.
Quote:I also think that you will find it was quite prolific in the 4th to 7th centuries.
Not as far as prolific as in the Roman 3rd century AD, I´d say. For the period you describe I find much more crosses / christian symbolism. Skimming through excavation reports and catalogues like "Die Alamannen", or the Berlin collection published in "Merowingerzeit" I must say that it appears to me to be a rather rarely used decoration device, actually. The only objects which more often sport a swastika are "Zierscheiben" and "Riemenverteiler". That´s about it. ( Of all the items in "Merowingerzeit" only four have a swastika, three of which are "Zierscheiben" e.g. ) Same for the south German grave fields. Further, professional quantitative analysis might be quite interesting, here. Wink

Quote:About the symbol and the use, I find it horrifying when museums would remove ancient items from their visible collection. Can you see them closing the Pylos ruins just in case the swatikas there could offend someone? Note: Greece suffered from the Nazi occupation, but to my knowledge removing ancient Greeek swatika symbols was never called for. We can also become oversensitive.
Horrible indeed. But most impropable. Why should they do that?

Quote:I guess that marks me as well?
Yes, Byron. Of course. How could you? Wink
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.

Messages In This Thread
About Ulfhednar (continued) - by caiusbeerquitius - 07-16-2008, 04:49 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Redwald - 07-16-2008, 06:30 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by caiusbeerquitius - 07-16-2008, 10:05 PM
About Ulfhednar - by Ingvar Sigurdson - 07-17-2008, 10:37 AM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Redwald - 07-17-2008, 06:55 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Tjordulf - 07-18-2008, 11:36 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Tjordulf - 07-18-2008, 11:44 PM
About Ulfhednar - by Ingvar Sigurdson - 07-19-2008, 06:34 AM
About Ulfhednar - by Ingvar Sigurdson - 07-19-2008, 10:17 AM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Ulfwin - 07-19-2008, 11:21 AM
About Ulfhednar - by Ingvar Sigurdson - 07-19-2008, 12:48 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Redwald - 07-20-2008, 08:51 AM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Sascha - 07-20-2008, 09:12 AM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Ulfwin - 07-20-2008, 09:58 AM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by authun - 09-02-2008, 02:36 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Ulfwin - 09-02-2008, 02:55 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by authun - 09-04-2008, 01:58 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Arthes - 09-13-2008, 01:14 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Sascha - 09-13-2008, 02:55 PM
signature - by Caius Fabius - 09-13-2008, 04:11 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by authun - 09-13-2008, 04:35 PM
Re: signature - by authun - 09-13-2008, 04:49 PM
Re: signature - by Sascha - 09-13-2008, 06:05 PM
Re: signature - by Arthes - 09-14-2008, 06:16 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Phalanx300 - 06-11-2010, 08:46 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Astiryu1 - 06-12-2010, 05:02 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Astiryu1 - 06-12-2010, 06:48 PM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by Phalanx300 - 06-13-2010, 10:32 AM
Re: About Ulfhednar (continued) - by authun - 06-13-2010, 02:19 PM

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