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Ptolemaic Egypt and the Civil Wars (49-30 BC)
As I am working on the Civil Wars from 49 to 30 BC, I have to deal with Egypt at the end of the Ptolemaic era... and some questions come to my mind before I start my researchs...

First, about military resources... we know that Egypt provided some help to Pompey (even if it was not of great use) and gathered troops against Caesar, etc... I would like to know more about these troops (what kind of army was it ? How many soldiers ?) Do you know any study about the Ptolemaic armies from this particular wars and Egyptian manpower at this time ?

Then, about resources... Egypt is well known as a granary of Rome during the Empire, and maybe also at the end of the Republic... but it seems that at this particular moment, because of wars and bad harvests, Egyptian resources would have been low or, at least, not as high as usual... Does someone know any book or article about this ?

I don't know if what I'm looking for exist, but maybe some of you will be able to provide me some helpful remarks !
Thank you !

Messages In This Thread
Ptolemaic Egypt and the Civil Wars (49-30 BC) - by Francois - 10-14-2008, 10:07 AM
BOOKS - by Graham Sumner - 10-16-2008, 09:22 PM

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