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How to portray a Spartan king from the classical era?
Alright, I'm sorry to bother you guys again but I have a few more questions. (This might be getting a bit off-topic)

Now about the Periokoi, they would be wearing the Lambda, however I'm wondering was this standard or were there exceptions?(the skiritians? Tegeans?)

And the Boeotian shield, how was it held exactly? I found this video, is it a accurate depiction?

Also the reason I'm interested in the Boeotian shield are the Thespians mainly, which brings my to my last question.

At the time of Thermopylae, would they wear a Boeotian shield or an aspis? Since I've read somewhere that after Thermopylae their city was destroyed they took Boeotian shields?
"Go and tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie." -Thermopylae


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Re: How to portray a Spartan king from the classical era? - by Phalanx300 - 11-27-2008, 09:18 PM

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