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How to portray a Spartan king from the classical era?
Thanks again!

So Spartans were allowed to modify their shield emblem as long as the basic emblem remained, interesting, I gues this also explains the twin snakes one of your members is using and the twin rooster in an Thermopylae representation?

Twin (Mora) emblems on one shield also ment familly affiliations (blood relationships right?) with both royal families right?

For the record, the Aigeidai clan isn't the same as the royal Agiad line is it? They happen to look very similar in name.

I gues this could mean each clan had its own emblem? As we now only know the Aigeidai snake and the Talthybiadae olive wreath?

Interesting about the clans, I gues this would mean that most if not all of the clan members would wear the triangle design on the outer rim to indicate their Achean descent.
"Go and tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie." -Thermopylae


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Re: How to portray a Spartan king from the classical era? - by Phalanx300 - 07-12-2009, 07:11 PM

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