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Hadrian\'s cataphracts were they on armoured horses
I looked up Roman Cataphract on Google and found this article

Cataphracts were introduced into the Roman army due to the influence of neighboring Sarmatian, Armenian, and Parthian armies. The first known “Cataphract” units was the ala I Gallorum et Pannoniorum catafractata (wing one “Cataphractata” of Galls and Pannonians) which appeared in the reign of Hadrian (117-138 AD). This unit was stationed in Moesia, probably to defend against Sarmatians. The was later given citizenship, but subsequently disappeared from records and nothing is known about its equipment. A century later, units called catafractarii made appearance during the reign of Gallienus. However, scholars like Eadie believe that these units were probably similar to earlier Roman cavalry that were lighter than their eastern counterparts with a key difference in the amount of horse armor.

on a site ... ataphracts

That prompted me to look at the few books I had. I found an entry in the 6th edition WRG war gaming list allowing cataphracts but with a note "A single milliary ala of equites contariorum was formed under Trajan and replaced by a single ala of catafractarii under Hadrian. This was writen some time ago by Phil Barker.
Keith @Aventine Miniatures

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Re: Hadrian\'s cataphracts were they on armoured horses - by Aventine Miniatures - 04-22-2009, 11:45 AM

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