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First Lions test vs. South Africa
Wahey more rugby!!!!! Im telling ye now that the lions are facing a serious uphill battle. I have never in my life seen a pack being trounced to the level the Lions were in the first half...i mean their supposedly powerful scrum was a shambles and Phil Vickery was well and truly spanked by "The Beast". Wasnt impressed with Stephen Jones either and to be honest i think our own Paul O'Connell was dissappointing.
Positives...well outscoring the Boks 3 to 2 was impressive and if there had been a proper winger on the pitch possible another 1 or 2 would have been score. Also the O'Driscoll-Roberts combination was very influential.

Can they do it?In theory yes, but im living more in hope than expectation to be honest!
Out of sight of subject shores, we kept even our eyes free from the defilement of tyranny. We, the most distant dwellers upon earth, the last of the free, have been shielded till today by our very remoteness and by the obscurity in which it has shrouded our name.
Calgacus The Swordsman, Mons Grapius 84 AD.

Name:Michael Hayes

Messages In This Thread
First Lions test vs. South Africa - by Ben Kane - 06-19-2009, 02:10 PM
Re: First Lions test vs. South Africa - by Na Saighdiuir - 06-22-2009, 05:22 PM
Second Lions test vs. South Africa - by Ben Kane - 06-29-2009, 08:37 AM
Last Lions test vs. South Africa - by Ben Kane - 07-08-2009, 03:50 PM

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