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Cataphract, Clibanarii, whatever, against Infantry
Quote:Very new poster here but as to the original question of how would mounted (Mellee) Cavalry fair against late republic to middle Imperial roman heavy infantry I think the outcome would be based largely on the Unit cohesiveness of the infantry. Though out history if the foot facing the cavalry was in good order and presented a solid front to the cavalry the cavalry would fail to charge home. The horses even well trained military mounts just wont charge into a Deep solid apperaring front that the horse would be unsure of being able to clear in a jump. At best cavalry with weapons such as the Kontos could thrust at the infantry when his horse refused near the infantry line. This would be quite hazardous against well formed motivated infantry regardless of thier arms as a counter charge would be a very serious threat against anyone milling about that close to the unit. At the Battle of Carrhae the roman legions held firm against the heavy Parthian horse until disordered by constant demoralizing barrages of arrows and missles from lighter horse and thirst only then did the heavy horse began to inflict serious casualties.

As one poster noted above thru the American Civil war organized disciplened foot even without long pole arms would repulse cavalry. I Imagine that movie shots of cavalry charging into foot with Horses beeing impailed and infantry being trampled largly are just that dramatic flim shots. I imagine heavy mellee horse charges agains infantry were by and large "feeling out" charges. If the infantry stayed in good order a command would be given to break right (usually) or left and turn back (perhaps luring infantry into a pursuit) or if the infantry begain to waiver or route the charge would turn into more of a mounted pursuit.

Not nessesarily, there are several battles that I posted that show where cavalry charged home against infantry and broke them.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Cataphract, Clibanarii, whatever, against Infantry - by Aulus Perrinius - 09-30-2009, 11:41 PM

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