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Protest against abolishing Latin on Leiden Univ Diplomas!
Jona wrote:
Quote:Yes. We should use the money to create decent libraries, and stop funding the history departments. The current system is essentially a subsidy to the middle classes. It has not created good history books. The current system is a cul-de-sac.

Y'know, you almost had me going there ......until I saw this! :lol: :lol: Then I knew that, in the words of the tennis player John McEnroe: "Man, you canNOT be serious! " :wink: :wink:

You feel History/archaeology is being taught badly/corrupted?....and your solution is to close the history departments? :lol: :lol: :lol:
......How about reforming them instead? After all ;"..those who are ignorant of their history are condemned to repeat it ! "

It probably does not matter much in the scheme of things whether Leiden's diplomas retain their latin or not, but 'Traditons' ( real or imagined) do have a purpose in Society.

Also, it strikes me as odd that a man who was denied his chosen wording on his diploma should now wish to deny choice of wording to others who happen to like/want Latin !

Very funny, Jona! :lol: :lol: :lol:
"dulce et decorum est pro patria mori " - Horace
(It is a sweet and proper thing to die for ones country)

"No son-of-a-bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country" - George C Scott as General George S. Patton
Paul McDonnell-Staff

Messages In This Thread
Re: Protest against abolishing Latin on Leiden Univ Diplomas! - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 06-08-2010, 10:55 PM
Re: Protest against abolishing Latin on Leiden Univ Diplomas! - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 06-08-2010, 11:18 PM
Re: Protest against abolishing Latin on Leiden Univ Diplomas! - by Paullus Scipio - 06-08-2010, 11:41 PM

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