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degradation of Greek cavalry in Hellenistic era
The above discussion reminded me of a section in Xenophon's history describing a clash between Agiselaos's newly formed cavalry and the Thessalian horse while the Spartans travelled through Thessaly. In this passage we see many of the elements that George and others described above: the Spartans forced to march in square for fear of attack, the harrassing tactics of Thessalian cavalry, the reluctance of some of the best cavalry in greece to face hoplites, the ability for cavalry to simply stay out of reach of hoplites and tentative enemy horse, and ultimately the role of cavalry in catching and pinning enemy cavalry.

Quote:Xen. Hell. 4.3.[4] And for a time he led the army in a hollow square, with one half of the horsemen in front and the other half at the rear; but when the Thessalians, by charging upon those who were behind, kept interfering with his progress, he sent along to the rear the vanguard of horsemen also, except those about his own person. [5] Now when the two forces had formed in line of battle against one another, the Thessalians, thinking that it was not expedient to engage as cavalry in a battle with hoplites, turned1 round and slowly retired. [6] And the Greeks very cautiously followed them. Agesilaus, however, perceiving the mistakes which each side was making, sent the very stalwart horsemen who were about his person and ordered them not only to give word to the others to pursue with all speed, but to do likewise themselves, and not to give the Thessalians a chance to face round again. [7] And when the Thessalians saw them rushing upon them unexpectedly, some of them fled, others turned about, and others, in trying to do this, were captured while their horses were turned half round. [8] But Polycharmus the Pharsalian, who was the commander of the cavalry, turned round and fell fighting, together with those about him. When this happened, there followed a headlong flight on the part of the Thessalians, so that some of them were killed and others were captured. At all events they did not stop until they had arrived at Mount Narthacium. [9] On that day, accordingly, Agesilaus set up a trophy between Pras and Narthacium and remained on the field of battle, greatly pleased with his exploit, in that he had been victorious, over the people who pride themselves particularly upon their horsemanship, with the cavalry that he had himself gathered together.
Paul M. Bardunias
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A Spartan, being asked a question, answered "No." And when the questioner said, "You lie," the Spartan said, "You see, then, that it is stupid of you to ask questions to which you already know the answer!"

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Re: degradation of Greek cavalry in Hellenistic era - by PMBardunias - 07-12-2010, 06:51 PM

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