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Dealer Offers Pieces of \'Lorica Segmentata\' - But Are They?
Lamellar. This is the same construction the Assyrians ran around in, and is found in the 'Mars of Todi" that is associated with the Etruscans. Lammellar can be foud in Europe, especially Eastern Europe well into the Middle Ages and in some forms mixed with mail in the Mideast especially India untill the 1800s.

No comment on age, authenticity.

I have hunderds similar in shape and size to those posted. I made them a few years back. The pattern I used was 3rd century.


EDIT: Source on Mars of Todi was Connolly, 'Greece and Rome at War', 1981, pg 70. This piece is of cast bronze, now in the Vatican.
EDIT 2: Assyrian use of lamellar (explicit usage), including photographs (pg. 20) from British Museum from "Palace of Tiglath-Pilsor III, Healy, 1991, 'The Ancient Assrians' Osprey Press. Simillar construction From a second mellinnium from Nuzi.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Dealer Offers Pieces of \'Lorica Segmentata\' - But Are They? - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 07-18-2010, 09:00 PM
Re: Dealer Offers Pieces of \'Lorica Segmentata\' - But Are They? - by Gaius Decius Aquilius - 07-18-2010, 11:33 PM

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